The budget provides $1 million for the Wisconsin Initiative for Agricultural Exports (WIAE), an effort launched in December 2021 to increase sales of Wisconsin dairy, crop, and meat products overseas.
July 5, 2023
The bill includes funding to support dairy innovation, boost dairy exports, and improve infrastructure in the state’s rural communities.
The investment includes expansion of the milk intake bays, cheese packaging equipment, whey drying and packaging equipment, whey warehousing, and wastewater treatment.
June 26, 2023
The expansion will
increase overall plant capacity to 5.5 million pounds of milk per day, an increase of 30%.
In rural Ohio, equidistant from Cleveland and Pittsburgh, lies America’s oldest family-owned butter and cheese creamery. A fifth generation operates 129-year-old Minerva Dairy today, with a sixth generation on the way.
When we think about the Gen Z consumer, who is between 11 and 26 years old, it makes perfect sense that they are buying less than the national average.
Prior to joining Dairy Foods one year ago, I served as editor-in-chief of a music instrument magazine. The industry had been steadily strumming along, pun intended, for years, until a June 22, 2017 Washington Post article, titled: “Why my guitar gently weeps. The slow, secret death of the six-string electric. And why you should care.”
Keith Schuman, business unit lead at Schuman Cheese, Fairfield, N.J., joins us for Episode 28 of the “Let’s Talk Dairy” podcast to talk about animal-free dairy.
The packaging places an emphasis on key product attributes including stating that Truly Grass Fed's cows spend 250 days on pasture in the lush fields of Ireland.
May 31, 2023
The new look is hitting retailers' shelves now and will continue to roll out across the U.S. throughout the year.
Flavors are the spice of life. Despite tremendous advances regarding taste in better-for-you dairy products, consumers still have to desire to purchase the item. That is what makes flavoring so important.