Holsinger made healthier dairy products accessible worldwide. Her research on enzymes and digestion advanced the dairy industry, improved nutrition in American schools and international food donation programs, and created the foundation for Lactaid brand products, making milk digestible by those with lactose intolerance.
Innovative ideas sought to transform food systems to be more nutritious and regenerative..
November 6, 2024
Applications for the fourth annual Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge are being accepted. Awarding up to $1 million, the Challenge is designed to create and accelerate the pace of innovations needed to transform food systems to become more nutritious, regenerative, and equitable.
In its fifth year, the 2023 Real California Milk Excelerator advances innovation in its truest state: open innovation.
November 17, 2023
Amazing Ice Cream, Arbo's Cheese Dip, Petit Pot and WonderCow will each receive $30,000 in resources and funding to scale their products in California and will compete for an additional $100,000 in support based on continued performance over a period of one year.
From the beginning of the agricultural process to the final consumer experience, a magnitude of innovations has led to reducing the environmental impact of the dairy business.
The Breakthrough Award for Dairy Ingredient Innovation will honor achievements by dairy processing members of the American Dairy Products Institute.
October 24, 2016
Dairy Foods and the American Dairy Products Institute are sponsoring the award to recognize ADPI members for their new products, manufacturing processes, R&D efforts and marketing programs.
The Idaho Milk Processors Association Conference ends Aug. 12.
August 12, 2016
The Idaho Milk Processors Association Conference, Aug. 11 to 12, includes a panel discussion among dairy experts dubbed "The Future of Food" that addresses balancing consumer trends and food security.
As millennials reach for healthier on-the-go options to accommodate their busy lifestyles, they’re seeking substitutions to traditional dietary staples – particularly milk.
The dairy industry must take a close look at the consumption habits and behaviors of millennials. Then, it must develop dairy products that keep the industry and its products relevant.
Listen up dairy industry: Unless we embrace a fundamental strategic change, the only white milk that will be consumed in the United States will be out of a baby bottle or a Starbucks cup.