Koch Membrane Systems’ line of SR3D nanofiltration elements were designed for sanitary dairy applications including whey demineralization and lactose concentration.
These are the bad bugs in dairy plants. USDA and FDA surveys have reported that Listeria is present in more than 10% of all raw milk from commercial U.S. dairy farms.
Listeria monocytogenes (L. mono)is a gram-positive bacterium and a specific member of the Listeria family. It is capable of causing severe illness and even death. The mortality rate from L. monoin susceptible populations is one of the highest of any known food pathogen. Individuals with compromised immune systems are particularly vulnerable.
A new grocery item that pairs cheese with nondairy ingredients required an entirely new package. Fresh Take from Kraft Foods, Glenview, Ill., contains cheese, bread crumbs and seasonings. It is intended to help the home chef create dinner entrees quickly with a three-step mix-coat-bake approach.
Dairy processors who produce beverages plan to increase their use of glass and aluminum materials in 2012, according to a new Dairy Foodssurvey. Glass shows an increase of six percentage points and aluminum 5% points. BNP Market Research conducted a web-based survey of Dairy Foodssubscribers in February.
Consumers today care increasingly about the environment, and they expect the products they buy to be produced in an environmentally responsible way. Milk is no exception. In fact, a study conducted for the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy showed that frequent milk users are more engaged in environmental issues than less frequent milk consumers.
Romer Labs and Germany’s IFP are proud to announce the launch of a new product line for enzymatic food analysis, expanding cooperation between the two companies.
TankJet 55 tank cleaner is now available from Spraying Systems Co. The cleaner operates at low flows and fast cycle times and enables cleaning of multiple tanks, barrels and drums in minutes.
Fogg Filler’s Chemical Microb-Blaster for Bottles was designed to create longer contact times in the interior of the bottle and sanitize the exterior of the bottle.