The Unique PMO “cheese curd” mixproof valve from Alfa Laval is designed for the highest viscosity, particulate laden dairy products nearly 2” in diameter.
Ross has expanded its line of Planetary Dual Dispersers, offering more sizes of this powerful mixing system designed for high-viscosity and high-solids applications.
Neogen’s new Reveal 3-D for Total Milk Allergen provides results in just 5 minutes after extraction, detecting as little as 5 parts per million of whey and casein protein residues. The new test has been validated for use in testing liquid food products (e.g., juices, sorbets, and soy and other non-dairy milk), environmental swabs and clean-in-place rinses.
The Dannon Co. and McCarty Family Farms announced Wednesday, June 13, the initial accomplishments from the first stage of their new collaboration. The farmer is selling its milk exclusively to Dannon, which is processing it into yogurt at Dannon's Fort Worth, Texas, plant.
Cannon Equipment is introducing a new line of hand trucks and hand truck components marketed under the same strong CannonCarts brand name as its industry leading material handling carts.