A tamper-evident, liner-less plug closure called the Steri-Shield 38mm from Portola Packaging Inc. was designed for extended shelf life and aseptic beverage packages
The new Thermo Scientific EZx 465 Touchless X-ray system is a new model that is said to significantly extend the application range of this entry-level food safety x-ray system.
Specifically designed for machinery used in the food industry, ClarionPM 100 NLGI 2 Grease from Clarion Lubricants is a high-temperature, extreme-pressure and water-resistant grease.
You can’t ride along in every truck. But information systems allow you to monitor the operation of every engine and refrigerated unit, and every driver’s actions.
Wikipedia defines “telematics” as “any integrated use of telecommunications and informatics, also known as ICT (information and communications technology).” Today, I would add “command and control” to that as well.
Dairy processors seek shrink-sleeve films that match their sustainability goals. Label vendors have upgraded their technical capabilities. A vendor shares best practices when it comes to labeling dairy foods and beverages.
The best labels to use for cheese are pressure-sensitive film-based labels that are laminated to avoid the destructive nature of condensation and handling. That is the opinion of Don Earl, the president of Overnight Labels, Deer Park, N.Y.
The Maine ice cream processor focuses on flavors, distribution, customer service and employee relations. Those factors add up to a successful and growing business.
The history of America is full of famous brothers. Comedy has its Marx brothers and baseball its Alou brothers. The Wright brothers reportedly had something to do with manned flight. In the world of ice cream, there are the Gifford brothers of Skowhegan, Maine.
Public health concerns over hypertension have cheesemakers looking to reduce sodium. Research has found that a little dairy in a DASH diet reduces the risk of high blood pressure.
Pressure from public health authorities to reduce sodium in the food supply continues to grow. There are many sides to the debate. Though dairy foods in total contribute only 11% of the sodium in the U.S. diet, the dairy industry has recognized the need to address these concerns and has been taking action. Being proactive helps the industry identify solutions that make sense for the food supply, the dairy business and consumers’ health and taste preferences.