What are the top four indicators we should be watching to help us understand and anticipate changes in dairy prices? With the amount of data and commentary on the dairy markets, it's easy to get overwhelmed or become distracted from the big underlying drivers. It was hard to whittle the list down to just four, but here they are.
When the United States withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership shortly after President Donald Trump took office last year, it was unclear what would happen next. Would the remaining 11 countries renegotiate or abandon the deal altogether?
In his President's Breakfast address at this year's Dairy Forum, Michael Dykes, D.V.M., president and CEO of the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), discussed notable recent industry achievements, as well as opportunities (and challenges) going forward.
Don't get distracted by the headlines in 2018. The renegotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the U.S.-Korea free trade agreement will demand a lot of attention, but assuming neither of them is wiped off the board completely, growing milk supplies in the other major exporting countries will create the headwind for U.S. exports.
Sartori Co. has proven through multiple generations that creative artisan cheesemakers using milk from carefully chosen Wisconsin farmers yield a taste your mouth will never forget.