By consuming snacks, consumers are meeting a wide range of personal needs ranging from indulgence and comfort to nutritional benefits and emotional considerations. Innovating with dairy ingredients plays an increasing role in this trend.
Across the globe, 400 million children consume a meal at school daily. These meals provide more than just good nutrition; in many underdeveloped countries, school lunch is an incentive for children to attend school.
The laws of chemistry and physics have not changed since the Big Bang. Not all these laws are known, and we continually learn more, leveraging novel approaches, processes, and/or formulations to create truly new products.
It is said that we eat with our eyes first — just look at any cooking competition show’s focus on a dish’s presentation. And one of the first things to notice about food’s appearance is its color.
Although many consumers would say that “flavor rules,” texture is close behind. When it comes to cultured dairy products, smooth and creamy is always the target, and textural attributes such as grainy, gel-like, shrunken, weak or ropy are typically considered defects.