Logistica La Serenisima, the joint venture of Danone and Mastellone in Argentina, upgraded and expanded its automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) in Buenos Aires to meet the need for increased speed and throughput in its automated warehouse.
Through new engineering developments, Urschel now offers a wide variety of grating heads that offer cuts from coarse granules to different types of shreds for cheese, coconut, nuts and carrots.
Equipment for casing, stacking and palletizing keeps dairy products safe, neat and protected from damage on the loading dock, in transit and at their destination.
Nestle bottles Nesquik and liquid coffee creamers in a state-of-the-art aseptic plant in Anderson , Ind. The facility is LEED-certified for its green features.
Thanks to robust sales of Nesquik flavored milks, innovations in the Juicy Juice brand and a new partnership with Jamba Juice, Nestlé USA is far from a milquetoast in grocery and convenience store channels.
In my April 2010 column, “Who is the Weakest Link in the Food Chain?,” I made the point that suppliers could unintentionally defeat all the food safety and quality programs put in place by dairy plants.
“Thank you, partners.” Those are the words that Organic Valley’s CEO George Siemon and his management team spoke when we visited them last fall to prepare our 2010 Processor of the Year story (December’s cover story).
Charm Sciences says the executive board of the National Conference of Interstate Milk Shipments has accepted the Charm 3 SL3 Beta-lactam Test and associated 2400 form, to meet regulatory compliance with Appendix N and Section 6 of the Grade “A” PMO (Pasteurized Milk Ordinance).