Obsession with millennials so pervades contemporary culture that even millennials, notorious for their self-regard, have grown weary of hearing about themselves. But while there was a time when non-millennials could at least dismiss their juniors' fancies for Frisbees, breakfast cereal and nonstop Nickelodeon as kid stuff, that's getting harder to do now that members of the generation born between 1981 and 1996 (as defined by the Pew Research Center, Washington, D.C.) are having kids of their own.
It's official: Americans' love affair with sugar is over, and they're breaking up en mass with their ol' sweetie. In the International Food Information Council's (IFIC) 2017 Food & Health Survey, 76% of respondents said they are trying to limit or avoid sugars in general, with six in 10 declaring that they view sugars negatively.
Energy beverages had a rough year in 2012. The trouble started that April, when Illinois Senator Richard Durbin petitioned FDA to "take regulatory action and to address the rising health concerns around energy drinks."
Research and technology investments have enabled the U.S. dairy industry to launch a variety of high-value protein ingredients, including whey protein concentrates (WPC) ranging from 34-90% protein and whey protein isolate (WPI), which is more than 90% protein.
The label "superfruit" has been used to describe any fruit with high nutrient levels. Superfruits come in every color of the rainbow, but those with red, blue or purple hues from the presence of anthocyanins generally boast superior antioxidant power.