The milk line will offer whole, 2% reduced-fat, 1% low-fat and skim. A 1-cup serving of the whole-milk variety contains 150 calories, 8 grams of fat, 11 grams of sugar and 8 grams of protein.
Over half of the nation's students participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), which serves over 5 billion meals a year. That's a lot of meals, providing the dairy community with a tremendous opportunity to ensure that the milk and dairy foods experience is maximized.
The a2 Milk Co. produces A2 milk that's made from select cows that naturally produce milk containing only A2 protein (no A1 protein), the company said.
March 8, 2018
The a2 Milk Co., Sydney, Australia, produces A2 milk that's made from select cows that naturally produce milk containing only A2 protein (no A1 protein), the company said.
The awards will honor fluid milk processors and state/regional organizations for efforts in promoting the consumption of white and chocolate milk via MilkPEP programs.
March 1, 2018
The awards will honor fluid milk processors and state/regional organizations for efforts in promoting the consumption of white and chocolate milk via MilkPEP programs.
Kids love milk, and, according to the latest research from MilkPEP, many of them would drink more of it if it were offered. While we know that kids represent the greatest milk volume opportunity, we also know that to win with them, we have to win over their most important influencer: mom.
As milk alternatives made from almonds, coconut and some other decidedly non-dairy sources increase in popularity, dairy milk sales continue on a downward spiral.