June 1 was World Milk Day and in the United States, the entire month is Dairy Month. Demand for milk is great. But, as the author writes, U.S. producers should treat export markets with caution and use the profit boost as fuel for innovation here at home.
Hunger is the most pressing issue we face, especially considering those numbers: one out of every eight people in the world today suffers from chronic undernourishment caused by food scarcity.
Like crude oil, water prices have surged in the last 12 years, doubling or tripling in many parts of the U.S. Think of what that does to living expenses and business costs. And like crude oil, which is still threatened despite the current production boom here in the U.S., water is getting scarcer by the minute.
There are five fundamental trends that can reshape corporate success and sustainable profit growth. They are: Speed, Age, Glocal, Uncertainty and Innovation. It is clear to me that they are interrelated and must be taken as a whole to sustain profitable growth in this new age.
I’ve noticed five underlying trends that are reshaping ‘reality’ for all businesses and are critical to our ability to sustain profitability and growth. Recognizing them gives us the capability to use them—now and when those proverbial opportunities present themselves. They are as follows:
Millennials and the baby boomers are strongly bound together by the demographic trends they've fueled, starting with smaller households as Millennials postpone marriage and/or childbearing and Boomers divorce at an ever-growing rate.
What do botox and tattoos have to do with marketing and packaging of dairy foods and beverages? At first glance, not much. But stick with this essay about the baby boomers and their children, and the connection becomes clear.