Contributing writer ED FINKEL visited Tetra Pak’s U.S. headquarters to hear first-hand what the packaging company has to say about the likes and dislikes of baby boomers.
October 24, 2016
Dairies would do well to target the baby boom generation with easy-to-read and open packaging and product formulations offering functional benefits, according to a white paper from a leading packaging company.
The Breakthrough Award for Dairy Ingredient Innovation will honor achievements by dairy processing members of the American Dairy Products Institute.
October 24, 2016
Dairy Foods and the American Dairy Products Institute are sponsoring the award to recognize ADPI members for their new products, manufacturing processes, R&D efforts and marketing programs.
Farmers claim that Dannon’s step back from GMOs is ‘environmentally damaging.’ Yogurt maker cites a ‘growing’ consumer preference for non-GMO ingredients.
October 21, 2016
Farmers criticize Dannon’s pledge to eliminate GMOs. They say the use of genetically modified organisms is a ‘safe and proven crop technology.’
Rigid packaging is a staple in the dairy case, but what’s stocked today differs from what consumers put in their shopping carts a few years ago. Containers have been lightweighted, sometimes with the help of in-mold labels.
High temperature/short time pasteurization is the industry standard practice for now. Other technologies will gain acceptance, especially if they can add value to milk.
Dairies typically apply heat to raw milk. They use high-temperature/short time, higher-heat/shorter time or ultra-high temperature pasteurization. There are alternatives to heat-based pasteurization, such as applying high pressure or using UV light.
There have been no positive test results for Listeria monocytogenes present in Nestle's cones themselves.
October 8, 2016
Nestlé USA recalled certain packages of its Nestlé Drumstick ice cream cones after receiving positive test results for Listeria monocytogenes from equipment contact surfaces.