Wild Flavors Inc., Erlanger, Ky., announces the creation of a new line of featured flavors. These flavor creations cover a wide array of flavor profiles, adding a delightful, enticing and fresh taste.
Recognizing the trending upswing in consumer awareness, interest and demand for Greek yogurt products, Comax Flavors, Melville, N.Y., has created a range of highly appealing flavors that ideally complement Greek yogurt’s creamy texture and its broad recipe potential, both in sweet and savory dishes.
Virginia Dare, Brooklyn. N.Y., featured trendy new flavors, varieties of vanilla, various masking flavors and assorted teas in the Virginia Dare Garden of Flavors during the IFT 2010 Annual Meeting + Food Expo. Green peach and maqui grapefruit beverages were on the menu.
Trade shows are popular venues for sampling new product development tools. This year’s IFT Annual Meeting + Food Expo, and the upcoming International Dairy Show are no exception.
Contributed by Erin Quann, Ph.D., R.D., Jill Nicholls, Ph.D. and Gregory Miller, Ph.D, MACNThe Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) is the cornerstone of federal nutrition policy in the United States.
A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (June 23, 2010) demonstrates how DSM Nutritional Products’ weight management ingredient Fabuless exerts its appetite-reducing effects.
Specialty chemicals supplier Cognis and InterMed Discovery (IMD), a natural product lead-discovery company, are continuing their strategic cooperation: Cognis has now exclusively licensed two new active ingredients for weight management and cognitive performance from IMD, further expanding the company’s innovation pipeline.