Milk production peaked last week, cheese plants were busy and the dry products market showed mixed results, according to the USDA's Dairy Market News. Following is a summary of the report.
Sartori Co. announced the inaugural release of its Paolo Sartori Limited Edition Extra Aged Goat Cheese. The product has been in high demand since it debuted at the Global Cheese Awards in 2011.
Butter pricing is firming this week, cheese production nationally remains heavy, Northeast milk production is widely believed to have reached a plateau, and California milk output is mostly steady and remains at or near the seasonal peak, reports the USDA this week.
Public health concerns over hypertension have cheesemakers looking to reduce sodium. Research has found that a little dairy in a DASH diet reduces the risk of high blood pressure.
Pressure from public health authorities to reduce sodium in the food supply continues to grow. There are many sides to the debate. Though dairy foods in total contribute only 11% of the sodium in the U.S. diet, the dairy industry has recognized the need to address these concerns and has been taking action. Being proactive helps the industry identify solutions that make sense for the food supply, the dairy business and consumers’ health and taste preferences.
Organic American cheese slices from Organic Valley, LaFarge, Wis., are 100% gluten-free and produced without antibiotics, synthetic hormones, toxic pesticides or GMOs.
Macaroni and cheese made with white Vermont Cheddar cheese; sweet potatoes topped with a buttery cinnamon spread; and chili cheese fries smothered in a sauce made with Cheddar cheese and real milk are on the menu of Wendy's restaurants. The three dishes are known as Signature Sides.