Mari Hicks of Kemps LLC boosted sales at one Hy-Vees store by 563% over the same week of the prior year.
April 25, 2013
The winners of MilkPEP's Breakfast Blitz Display Contest showcased the success of the breakfast-at-home strategy in selling more milk as well as other complimentary breakfast products, including eggs, bacon, cereal and English muffins. When milk was featured in a display alongside those other items, the retailers reported notable increases.
A Spanish-language ad campaign from the California Milk Processor Board links positive dreams to drinking milk prior going to bed. Sounds crazy, but the spots are charming.
Pudding made with milk, flavored cheese and protein-enriched yogurt star in the free-standing inserts this week.
September 18, 2012
Kraft takes two free-standing inserts (for Jell-O pudding and FreshTake cheese-breadcrumbs-spices kits), while Dannon promotes a new Activia yogurt and Land O Lakes introduces a four-cheese Italian blend.
Among the five most advertised conventional dairy products, cheese ads are down 3.2%, yogurt ads are down 14.9%, ice cream ads are down by 10.6%, milk ad numbers increased by 22.9% and ads for cream cheese increased by 47.4%.
August 24, 2012
The most advertised cheese category, 8 ounce shredded, has a weighted average advertised price of $2.19, a 6.8% price decrease from last cycle. The average price for 8 ounce blocks, $2.20, is a 5.2% price decrease from the last cycle.
Marketers of cheese, yogurt and pudding press their brands in the free-standing inserts for the week beginning Aug. 19. Among the brands are Yoplait, Kraft, The Laughing Cow, Babybel, Activia and Kozy Shack.
Dairy food and beverage marketers promote cultured dairy products and cheese products in this week's free-standing inserts. They tout the protein, calcium and vitamin content of their foods. Featured are Gehl Foods, Saputo, Daisy, Dannon and more.