Kemps wins for its Yoplait Berry Pomegranate Yogurt & Juice, and Trilogy Essential Ingredients for the sour cream dip.
May 28, 2015
Yoplait Berry Pomegranate Yogurt & Juice and Dill Pickle Sour Cream Dip were named the most innovative milk or cultured products at IDFA’s Innovative Milk and Cultured Dairy Products Contest.
The Flexible Packaging Association honored its members in the 58th Annual FPA Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards and Innovation Showcase program.
July 28, 2014
Packages of frozen yogurt that reveal images when warmed by the human hand and rotogravure printing that results in mouth-watering images are two examples of award-winning flexible packages. See what other packages for dairy foods were honored by the Flexible Packaging Association.
Nearly 1,000 producer and industry representatives attended the 2013 National Dairy Promotion and Research Board/National Milk Producers Federation/United Dairy Industry Association joint annual meeting in Phoenix this month.
November 22, 2013
Neil Hoff, a Texas dairy producer and UDIA Chairman, explained how the checkoff is working to turn around the decades-long decline in fluid milk sales. “At the direction of producer leaders, checkoff staff has met with nearly 200 executives from 50 companies that include fluid milk processors, dairy cooperatives, retailers and suppliers to identify the underlying factors to stabilize and grow fluid milk sales,” Hoff said. “Innovation is critical to fluid milk’s survival.”
Packaging and processing machine designs share many of the same features — from applications for fluid milk, margarine, cheese, butter, ice cream, yogurt and more. New machinery is being designed with fewer crevices to prevent debris and streamline the cleaning process. Mechanical components are also being manufactured with ease-of-use in mind to better assist engineers to complete tasks quicker, while still adhering to food safety standards.
Dairy industry professionals will vote for their favorites. The winners will be announced at the International Dairy Show and will be featured in Dairy Foods magazine.
August 1, 2013
The International Dairy Foods Association seeks entries to its Innovations Awards. Winners will be honored at the the International Dairy Show in November in Chicago.
To help bring breakfast back into the morning routine and emphasize the nutritional value and role of dairy throughout the day, the Dairy Research Institute made the morning meal occasion the focus of the second annual Dairy Research Institute New Product Competition. Find out who won.
There are five fundamental trends that can reshape corporate success and sustainable profit growth. They are: Speed, Age, Glocal, Uncertainty and Innovation. It is clear to me that they are interrelated and must be taken as a whole to sustain profitable growth in this new age.
I’ve noticed five underlying trends that are reshaping ‘reality’ for all businesses and are critical to our ability to sustain profitability and growth. Recognizing them gives us the capability to use them—now and when those proverbial opportunities present themselves. They are as follows: