Clover Sonoma’s four brand-new 50,000-gallon stainless steel milk silos hover over the landscape in Petaluma, Calif. Before entering the dairy plant, one can get a window – literally – into the operation.
Consumers want local, fresh and minimally processed foods. A dairy farmer in rural Maryland said, ‘I can do that,’ and built a plant to process milk and ice cream. Meet the owners of Kilby Cream.
Maryland's Kilby family has been farming for 100 years. To position itself for success into the next century, it built a dairy processing plant that bottles milk and churns ice cream under the name Kilby Cream.
Solar panels power two food processing plants in Pittsburg, Calif. Ramar Foods makes its Magnolia brand ice cream and novelties in one 17,000-square-foot facility.
University’s new creamery in Stocking Hall teaches students more than dairy processing. They learn engineering, environmentalism and food service here, too.
California’s Central Valley Cheese keeps busy by making a wide range of cheeses and cultured dairy products that appeal to Mediterranean, Hispanic, Indian and South Asian consumers.
HP Hood fills 600 bottles a minute on its new aseptic line in its Sacramento, Calif., plant. The company processes dairy and nondairy beverages in aseptic and extended shelf life packages.
Mike Hardy is showing me an aseptic filler. “There are only two speeds to this — 0 and 600 bottles a minute,” he says. I watch a blur of bottles enter one end of the machine from an overhead conveyor, whirl from carousel to carousel and exit the other end. In a matter of seconds, the bottles have been sterilized, filled and capped.
Dannon’s highly automated plant in Minster, Ohio, can process 3 million cups of yogurt a day. The 24/7 facility turns out cup-set and blended yogurts, plus cultured dairy beverages.
June 1, 2012
Auglaize County is a prosperous agricultural region in west central Ohio where the median household income is about $52,000 and the poverty rate is 7%, well below the state’s level of 14%. One town in the county is Minster, located about 50 miles north of Dayton. It was settled in 1832 by German immigrants. Minster’s town crest reflects the heritage of its founding fathers. The crest includes a Christian cross and two pagan symbols important to Saxons — an acorn and horse heads. A fourth symbol is a canal boat.
A manufacturing facility in Luana, Iowa runs 24/7, every day of the year. Swiss Valley Farms produces Swiss-style cheeses, cream cheeses and whey powders.
Northeastern Iowa was shaped by the glaciers and the Mississippi River, which makes up its eastern border. The landscape here defies the stereotype of Midwestern flatness. Rolling hills yield unexpected delights for motorists negotiating the winding county roads.