Tetra Pak announced the launch of its "Approach to Nature," a comprehensive framework that defines the company’s contribution to halting and reversing nature loss and enhancing water security. The approach aligns with global targets, including those outlined in the Biodiversity Plan that calls for action to halt biodiversity loss and put nature on a path to recovery for the benefit of all life on earth.

Recognizing the complex interdependency and building on a thorough evaluation of nature-related impacts and dependencies, Tetra Pak’s ambitious Approach to Nature aims to manage the impacts of the company’s value chain on nature and to support the restoration of ecosystems. Additionally, it seeks to contribute to global water resilience by reducing negative impacts on local water resources and addressing shared water challenges in basins at risk.

Among the 25 targets set by Tetra Pak: 

  • By 2025, 100% of Tetra Pak’s raw materials with the most significant land footprint will originate from certified or controlled sources.
  • By 2025, 100% of Tetra Pak high-water-impact suppliers will report on water use and quality.
  • Eradicate waste-to-landfill from Tetra Pak production sites by 2030.
  • Achieve a 50% reduction of water use in best practice processing lines by 2030 compared to 2019.

“With over half of the world’s GDP heavily reliant on nature, the stakes could not be higher. Our Approach to Nature not only reflects our commitment to environmental stewardship but also builds on our longstanding action in this domain, cemented by our inclusion in the 2023 CDP Forests A List for the eighth consecutive year and the achievement of an A- in Water Security for our first year of reporting. As other companies join us on this journey, together we can help protect and restore nature for the generations to come," said Gilles Tisserand, vice president Climate & Biodiversity, Tetra Pak.

In 2022, Tetra Pak was also a signatory of the Business for Nature coalition’s COP15 business statement, urging governments to adopt the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework’s Target 15. Target 15 required large private companies and financial institutions to assess and disclose their risks, dependencies, and impacts on biodiversity, provide information to consumers to promote sustainable consumption and report on compliance.

“Tetra Pak's 'Approach to Nature' marks an important milestone, emphasising how the corporate world must step up to support the ambitious targets of the Biodiversity Plan (formerly known as the Global Biodiversity Framework). We encourage all companies to set a nature strategy - a clear plan for how they will contribute towards a nature-positive future by 2030. However, businesses can't achieve this alone; governments must create the right incentives to speed up corporate action to address nature loss," stated Eva Zabey, CEO, Business for Nature.