The following is excerpted from the USDA’s Dairy Market News for the week of June 6 - 10, 2016. Read the complete report here.

June is dairy month. The popularity of cheesecake during summer may relate to the 48% increase in 8 oz. cream cheese ads this week. The U.S. weighted average advertised price, $1.93, is up $.14 from last week. Ads appeared in all regions in addition to Alaska and Hawaii.

Although ad numbers for 48-64 oz. ice cream decreased 13% this week, the average price, $3.07, is up $.08.

Prices for cheese blocks fall but rise for shredded cheese

The U.S. advertised price for 8 ounce conventional cheese blocks averaged $2.23, down $.03 from last week; 8 ounce shred cheese averaged $2.39, up $.16 from last week. The U.S. advertised price for 8 ounce organic cheese blocks averaged $4.66, up $.13 from last week.

Yogurt prices rise 6 cents; Greek yogurt is up a penny

The average price for conventional yogurt in 4-6 ounce packages is $.53, up $.06 from last week. The average price of 4-6 ounce conventional Greek yogurt is $.96, up $.01 from a week ago. Conventional yogurt ad numbers are up 17% from last week, while organic yogurt ads are up 29%. The average price for organic Greek yogurt in 4-6 ounce packages is $1.15.

A gallon of milk costs less than $2; organic milk is nearly double

The price spread between organic and conventional half gallon milk is $1.94. The price spread is the difference between national weighted average prices for organic, $3.91, and conventional, $1.97. Conventional milk ad numbers decreased 24% from last week while organic milk ad numbers decreased 7%.