Submitted by the FDA
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revamped its online food defense courses to help bolster the food industry’s defense measures against an act of intentional food contamination.
The revamped courses, titled “Food Defense 101,” have been updated to address the types of intentional contamination that have occurred in the United States in recent years and the FDA’s most current thinking on how to forestall or minimize the impact of such incidents. The courses also have been integrated into one module, so users can now more easily find what they are looking for.
The four courses are:
1. Food Defense Awareness for Professionals
2) Food Defense Awareness for Frontline Employees
3) FDA Regulations, which speaks to three federal regulations established to help protect the nation’s food supply
4) Alert, for owners and operators of food facilities, to help them protect their facilities from the threat of intentional contamination
Food Defense 101 is available to industry and the public at no charge. For additional information on FDA’s food defense resources, and to access Food Defense 101, please visit