Katie Brown, EdD, RDN, president of the National Dairy Council (NDC), a nonprofit education organization founded by U.S. dairy farmers with a vision of a healthy, sustainable world with science as its foundation, joins Dairy Foods for Episode 50 of the “Let’s Talk Dairy” podcast.
Why do we do research on yogurt or any other dairy product? Certainly, the yogurt companies have everything figured out when it comes to making good yogurt…
Checkoff-led consumer research indicates that people believe the digestive system and microbiome are important not just for gut health but also for immunity, and mental and metabolic health.
There is an opportunity for dairy companies to continue sharing the progress we have made in the lactose-free dairy category and also to expand our story beyond milk.
There is no more critical time than the first 1,000 days of a child’s life to set a strong foundation for their overall cognition and brain development.
Dairy nutrients work to ward off sickness, writes Chris Cifelli, Ph.D., of the National Dairy Council. Yet, roughly two of every 10 Americans are falling short of consuming the recommended three daily servings of dairy and five daily servings of fruits and vegetables.