Clean-label cultures and enzymes are crucial to the production of fermented dairy products from sour cream to Parmesan cheese. In producing cheese, cultures acidify the milk and bring about flavor, while enzymes create the solid curd that is then formed into cheese.
The Textur-Melt product range from Innophos Inc. includes functional products for process cheese, cheese sauce, spreadable and shredded cheese, yogurt and milk.
Three new DVS full flavor ripening cultures from Chr. Hansen are enabling cheese makers to offer well-defined and consistent flavor, a pleasant texture and an appealing appearance.
The Flow Lite anti-caking system from Allied Blending contains no allergens or taste, produces minimal dusting, and provides excellent flowability for maximum production line speeds.
Ingredion offers a range of cost-effective, highly functional ingredient solutions for processed and analog cheese that enables manufacturers to formulate affordable products without compromising the eating quality.
DuPont selects single culture strains to control post-acidification across the spectrum of white cheeses, allowing manufacturers to optimize their cost-in-use without compromising on taste.