The healthy hydrating refreshment of cool, nutritious, and delicious milk will never go out of style. Founded in 2004, Pineland Farms uses 100% fresh Maine milk from nearby farms — around 20 within a 50-mile radius of Bangor — to handcraft 3,200 to 6,400 pounds of specialty cheeses a day.
Dairy marketers need to reach today’s consumers, particularly younger consumers, in fresh ways.
February 25, 2021
In a Feb. 24 fireside chat presented by the Washington, D.C.-based International Dairy Foods Association's (IDFA) Women in Dairy, MilkPEP CEO Yin Woon Rani said dairy brands need to focus on “what’s great” about milk and other dairy products and present those attributes in fresh ways to really get attention and broaden the products’ appeal among younger consumers.
Kraft cheese and Yoplait yogurt are among the most-trusted consumer packaged goods (“CPG”) brands according to the market research firm BrandSpark International, New York.
A cheesemaker sets up camp in New York’s Times Square. A yogurt maker signs a marketing deal with professional football. Another yogurt company uses sampling at a public event to build its brand.
HP Hood fills 600 bottles a minute on its new aseptic line in its Sacramento, Calif., plant. The company processes dairy and nondairy beverages in aseptic and extended shelf life packages.
Mike Hardy is showing me an aseptic filler. “There are only two speeds to this — 0 and 600 bottles a minute,” he says. I watch a blur of bottles enter one end of the machine from an overhead conveyor, whirl from carousel to carousel and exit the other end. In a matter of seconds, the bottles have been sterilized, filled and capped.