At IDFA, Aquino will help to manage the trade association’s work in sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and ESG policy and programming within the U.S. dairy supply chain.
January 26, 2023
Mike Aquino was trained as a food scientist at Drexel University and has since held several professional positions in the food and agriculture space, including with Danone’s research and development pilot facility in White Plains, N.Y., and on the Global Sustainability Team at General Mills.
The organic yogurt producer said it’s brought organic fields to more than 1 million people.
September 26, 2019
Continuing its commitment to ensure that every child and family in America can #PlayFree, Stonyfield Organic also announced that it teamed up with 10 new communities to convert outdoor fields and parks to organic grounds management.
To produce the same amount of milk without rBST, Wisconsin farmers would need an additional 59,000 cows, 164,000 acres of cropland and 23.9 billion gallons of water.
A professor of animal science explains BST and rBST and the effects on milk supply, retail prices and environmental issues when dairy farmers abandon rBST technology.
Dairy processors are reducing their use of water, energy, transportation and packaging. Here are 10 examples from the United States and abroad.
October 15, 2012
Dairy processors use a lot of water. Fresh water and wastewater can be a huge expense and a significant component of the utilities budget. The H2Oversight Service from U.S. Energy Services, Plymouth, Minn., offers rate tariff optimization, metering equipment confirmation, facility change monitoring, bypass opportunities and identification of operational savings.