Milk and dairy foods are often shown to be associated with lower risk of both diabetes and heart disease.
July 3, 2014
Highlights from the Dairy Council of California’s Top 10 Nutrition Trends for 2014 report include: dairy fat may no longer be a villain in heart disease risk; milk and dairy foods are promising in prevention of metabolic syndrome and diabetes; and consumers’ interest grows in natural, functional, fresh foods.
Numerous health benefits make milk products essential to a family's healthy diet.
June 14, 2014
"Three servings of milk and milk products a day provide a package of nine essential nutrients not contained in any other single food or beverage," says a registered dietitian nutritionist with Dairy Council of California.
A breakfast meal of cereal and milk can deliver vitamins A, D, calcium and iron.
May 10, 2014
Research presented last week at the American Society for Nutrition's annual Experimental Biology conference shows how a cereal with milk breakfast is one of the best ways to start the day.
Birth to age three is a critical time for establishing food preferences, immune tolerance and the gut microbiome. This program intends to define how dairy products contribute to the growth and development of young children.
June 12, 2013
The Dairy Research Institute is providing $1 million of support over five years to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to study how children acquire healthy eating habits.
Milk doesn’t always get its just due. It's worth focusing attention on the lifelong benefits derived from milk.
August 20, 2012
Milk is the only beverage that we consider a food, and is so nutritionally important and multi-purpose that it has its own classification on the USDA’S food pyramid. It also represents powerful yet contradictory views, for we perceive it to be old fashioned and modern, local and global, a treat and a necessity and natural and innovative.