In an era of increasingly digitized food supply chains facilitating rapid communication all the way to consumers, it is crucial for government agencies to keep pace with the ever-changing landscape.
Cheesemakers in the United States producing specific varieties of cheese, including cheddar, mozzarella, Parmesan and pasteurized process cheese, must adhere to FDA’s food standards of identity.
The new Congress that convened in January will have implications for federal dairy policy. Republicans maintain control of the Senate, but Democrats are now in charge of the House of Representatives, which will likely lead to greater oversight of the Trump administration, including the USDA. Moreover, with more than 100 new representatives and senators now seated, we must ensure that Congress understands and appreciates dairy’s unique nutritional benefits.
DeltaTRAK partnered with food safety expert George Nakamura to present research on rapid bacterial enzyme detection technology at the Food Safety Summit in Washington, D.C.
Whey components can do all this: promote infant gut health, improve body composition, create novel foods and affect brain function. Scientists at the 6th International Whey Conference shared their research.Milk is a complex biological food, which yields unique bioactive fractions that can be harvested via the whey stream.
It’s hard to be optimistic with so many fundamentals in disarray - millions are out of work, the stock market gyrates daily and our President and Congress seem incapable of reaching agreement on ways to change our course or to even send a message that stability and hope lie ahead.