FSI report for the week beginning Oct. 23, 2011
Milk, butter, yogurt and dairy dips are promoted in this week's free-standing inserts. Ice cream is the only dairy category not represented.
Dean Foods introduces its 1% chocolate milk, called TruMoo. The FSI directs readers to "Share your TruLove" at its Facebook page.
Land O'Lakes instructs readers to "Bake A Little Joy" with Land O Lakes butter. It offers a holiday recipe brochure, available without cost through a toll-free number or on the landolakes.com website. The FSI includes the Box Tops for Education logo.
Mountain High Yoghurt headlines its product "Extraordinary Yoghurt. Pure and Simple." It offers recipes at its website, MountainHighYoghurt.com.
Bel Brands USA touts its Boursin brand of spreadable cheese, available in five flavors.
Rich Products Corp. promotes its FarmRich snacks made with cheese, including Mozzarella Bites.