Ricotta, mozzarella and Swiss cheeses from Lactalis and Land O'Lakes get their due in this week's free standing inserts.

FSI report for the week beginning Oct. 16, 2011
Ricotta, mozzarella and Swiss cheeses from Lactalis and Land O'Lakes get their due in this week's free-standing inserts.
Lactalis American Group promotes its Sorrento brand of ricotta and mozzarella cheese under the headline "So Authentic. So Wholesome. So Sorrento." The FSI directs readers to the brand's website for "recipes and more."
Land O'Lakes instructs readers to "Ask for the 'Better For You' Cheese," meaning Alpine Lace deli cheese, a 25% reduced fat product. The FSI includes the brand's web address where shoppers can find recipes.
Another Land O'Lakes FSI, this one for the company's spreadable products, is headlined "Spread the Buttery Taste." The Fresh Buttery Taste Spread Products (original and with olive oil) are said to contain "70% less fat than butter and no cholesterol." The FSI includes the Box Tops for Education logo. Readers can find a recipe for banana honey muffins at the company website.