Dairy Marketers Prepare For A Summer Cookout In This Week's FSIs
Cheese on a hamburger, ice cream-based beverages, ricotta cheese desserts and smoked sausages made with cheese are some of the foods featured in this week’s free-standing inserts. In this issue: Saputo, Sorrento, Baskin-Robbins, WeightWatchers and more.

FSI report for the week beginning June 26, 2011
Cheese on a hamburger, ice cream-based beverages, ricotta cheese desserts and smoked sausages made with cheese are some of the foods featured in this week’s free-standing inserts.
Saputo calls on shoppers to “dress up burgers, steaks, and even grilled vegetables” with its Treasure Cave brand crumbled blue cheese. The company makes the claim that it is “America’s #1 Blue Cheese” and directs shoppers online for salad recipes. Coupon: 40 cents off any 4-ounce or larger SKU.
Sorrento, a unit of Lactalis, pictures a fruit parfait made with ricotta cheese next to the headline “Ricotta, it’s not just for Lasagna anymore . . .” The Ricotta Berry Blast recipe by chef Daniel Green calls for four cups of the company’s whole milk deli style ricotta cheese. More recipes are online. Coupon: $2 off any ricoota, block mozzarella or fresh mozzarella SKU.
Scoop shop franchisor Baskin-Robbins features a Cappuccino Blast coffee beverage. Coupons: $3 off any ice cream cake; $1 off any medium or large frozen beverage; a 99-cent cone with purchase of any cone; a free boost with an Cappuccino Blast purchase.
Armour-Eckrich Meats shows a package of its Eckrich cheddar smoked sausage.
In other activity:
Body Fortress (United States Nutrition) promotes its whey protein product. Coupon: $3 off any SKU.
WeightWatchers says its apple pie a la mode yogurt (made by LaLa USA) tastes like pie and vanilla ice cream. “It’s loaded with protein and fiber to keep you satisfied,” states the FSI. Coupon: $1 off any five 6-ounce cup SKUs.
General Mills’ states a serving of its Yoplait contains twice the protein of regular yogurt, and that the food is “for great snacking satisfaction.”