Marina Mayer's Marketing Musings
Executive editor Marina Mayer takes the “Silk for Milk 10-day Challenge.”

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a self-diagnosed lactose-intolerant individual. Milk, ice cream, cheese, sometimes eggs - I love them and love to hate them. And yes, I work on a dairy magazine. Who would’ve thunk?
But don’t worry my dairy friends. Between my supplements and my incessant love for cheese, I think I’m faring pretty well in the calcium department.
Then I became pregnant and my focus on eating healthy and living healthy became a No. 1 concern. What if my lack of milk and other dairy servings hurt my unborn child?
Because I work on a dairy magazine and I interview, interact and follow all of the trends in the dairy marketplace, I know enough to know that something needed to change - and fast.
So, I took up Silk’s 10-day milk challenge (my personal favorite is the PureAlmond chocolate flavor).
Silk, produced by WhiteWave Foods, Broomfield, Colo., started the Silk for Milk 10-day Challenge, which invites consumers to replace milk with Silk to receive an extra boost of nutrition, including 50% more calcium than milk, rich in antioxidants and an excellent source of vitamin E. Plus, you receive the smooth taste of almonds.
On its website,, Silk provides coupons and recipe suggestions for replacing milk with Silk, such as in coffee, cereal or smoothies, with a piña colada or for dipping bran muffins, cookies and more.
I’ve never been one to diet or follow a regimented food program, but this so-called “challenge” has been anything but. I’m proud to continue following this 10-day challenge, which has now turned in to two months and counting. And I must say, while my mid-section continues to expand, so does my energy level and overall feeling of being and living healthy.
Now if only I can figure out how to temporarily cure this baby brain….

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a self-diagnosed lactose-intolerant individual. Milk, ice cream, cheese, sometimes eggs - I love them and love to hate them. And yes, I work on a dairy magazine. Who would’ve thunk?
But don’t worry my dairy friends. Between my supplements and my incessant love for cheese, I think I’m faring pretty well in the calcium department.
Then I became pregnant and my focus on eating healthy and living healthy became a No. 1 concern. What if my lack of milk and other dairy servings hurt my unborn child?
Because I work on a dairy magazine and I interview, interact and follow all of the trends in the dairy marketplace, I know enough to know that something needed to change - and fast.
So, I took up Silk’s 10-day milk challenge (my personal favorite is the PureAlmond chocolate flavor).
Silk, produced by WhiteWave Foods, Broomfield, Colo., started the Silk for Milk 10-day Challenge, which invites consumers to replace milk with Silk to receive an extra boost of nutrition, including 50% more calcium than milk, rich in antioxidants and an excellent source of vitamin E. Plus, you receive the smooth taste of almonds.
On its website,, Silk provides coupons and recipe suggestions for replacing milk with Silk, such as in coffee, cereal or smoothies, with a piña colada or for dipping bran muffins, cookies and more.
I’ve never been one to diet or follow a regimented food program, but this so-called “challenge” has been anything but. I’m proud to continue following this 10-day challenge, which has now turned in to two months and counting. And I must say, while my mid-section continues to expand, so does my energy level and overall feeling of being and living healthy.
Now if only I can figure out how to temporarily cure this baby brain….