Dannon's Danimals Dominate In This Week's FSIs
In this week’s free-standing inserts from dairy marketers, Dannon goes wild with its Danimals and its other yogurt brands, while HP Hood offers the first hint of the snackfest to come during the March madness college basketball tournament. Kraft and Abbott Nutrition also participate.

FSI REPORT for the week beginning Feb. 27
Dannon goes wild with its Danimals, Dan-o-nino and Activia yogurt brands and the first hint of March madness creeps into this week’s free-standing inserts from dairy marketers.
The Dannon Co. introduces its new Danimals Double Crush Cup yogurt for children that delivers “2 flavors in every crush.” The FSI proclaims what it keeps out of the product (artificial colors and flavors, and no high-fructose corn syrup) and promotes the yogurt’s nutrition (good source of calcium, protein and Vitamin D). Dannon dangles a $1 coupon for the purchase of any Danimals SKU. In some markets, Grocery Shopping Network members Strack & Van Til, Town & Country and Ultra Foods take a co-equity overlay, offering a SKU for 99 cents with coupon.
Dan-o-nino receives a separate FSI touting its availability in drinkable form. It, too, promotes the nutritional value of the dairy food (“power packed with 2X the calcium of milk”). Dannon offers one $1 coupon toward the purchase of any six-pack or 12-pack cup SKU and another $1 coupon for one dairy drinks four-pack SKU.
Dannon positions Activia Parfait Crunch as a snack and advises consumers to “consume daily for two weeks as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.” Dannon offers a $1 coupon toward the purchase of three SKUs; in some markets Strack & Van Til, Town & Country and Ultra Foods take a co-equity overlay offering three SKUs for $2 when purchased with the manufacturer’s coupon.
HP Hood’s Heluva Good sour cream dips are positioned atop a basketball and beneath the headline “Meet a bold new starting lineup: HeluvaGood! Sour Cream Dips.” The marketer introduces a sweeps offering tickets to regional playoff games in the upcoming (but unnamed) NCAA college basketball tournament this year and a grand prize trip to the 2012 finals in New Orleans. Entrants complete a form online at heluvagood.com.
The 28 tournament prizes consist of two tickets to attend all sessions at second- and third-round games in Charlotte, N.C., Chicago, Cleveland, Tampa, Fla., San Antonio, Texas, Tulsa, Okla., or Washington, D.C. Approximate value ranges from $460 to $560.
The one grand prize (valued at approximately $4,000) includes airfare for two, three nights in a hotel and tickets to the semi-final and final games. The 2011 tournament sweeps runs Feb. 22 to March 11; the grand prize sweeps ends April 8.
The first 500 entrants receive a Party Pack (valued at $28.52) consisting of a cooler bag, chip clip, product coupons and a dry-erase college basketball tournament board.
In other FSI activity this week:
- Kraft introduces its Jalapeno string cheese
- Abbott Nutrition promotes its PediaSure and Sidekicks nutritional drinks for children
View the slideshow of this week’s eight FSI below.