Driving the Market: In 2006, The Dannon Co. set a bold goal: to double production by 2010. Now halfway through its four-year plan, the company’s top management says the push is progressing on schedule. In the process, Dannon is transforming the yogurt segment.
Reaching for the Stars: Oregon Ice Cream has transformed itself from old-school regional to organic fireball. It’s been 12 years since the Gleason family took this company in its new direction, and it's all because a husband listened to his wife.
Maid in the Shade: Juice is a healthy business for SSI, a captive dairy with lucrative outside activities. SSI is the product of a partnership between three major competing grocery chains in northern California and has two manufacturing sites for dairy, from which it produces more than 200tons of various retail pack ice on a daily basis. Annual sales are “well in excess of a billion dollars a year” overall, including dairy, grocery and frozen foods.