It's no secret that the fluid milk category has been struggling at retail for quite some time. However, sales of flavored milk and whole milk actually made some impressive gains in the not-too-distant past.
International Dairy Foods Association, National Milk Producers Federation said the addition of whole milk to school menus reflects research showing such products benefit children.
January 30, 2019
International Dairy Foods Association, National Milk Producers Federation said the addition of whole milk to school menus reflects research showing such products benefit children.
Without swift, effective action to secure a strong trade treaty with Japan that exceeds Japan’s agreements with other countries/regions, the United States could see market share drop in half over the next decade.
January 30, 2019
Without swift, effective action to secure a strong trade treaty with Japan that exceeds Japan’s agreements with other countries/regions, the United States could see market share drop in half over the next decade.