Chocolate milk has what it takes to help athletes recover after a hard workout. In fact, it’s backed by science and trusted by elite athletes as their “go to” recovery drink. It has high-quality protein scientifically shown to help repair and rebuild muscles.
Kemps makes ice cream and other frozen desserts around the clock in its facility in Rochester, Minn. The frozen products category is a strategic pillar in Kemps’ plan to grow beyond its stronghold in the Upper Midwest.
If you want to cash in on the protein trend, then you have to choose the right dairy-based ingredient. Understand the functionality of dairy ingredients and how they will interact during processing.
All milk is good for you, but organic whole milk is even better, writes the author of a new study looking at the fatty acid profile of organic and conventional milk in the United States.
About $136 million will be invested in production for Arla’s strategic growth markets outside the EU – Russia, China, the Middle East & Africa.
February 3, 2014
The Denmark-based international dairy cooperative said it plans to invest 2.2 billion Danish krone (about $398.2 million) in 10 of its dairy sites in 2014. Arla's stated long-term goal is to double its exports of European dairy products to growth markets outside the EU by 2017.
The Wisconsin Dairy Products Assn. is once again offering the Robert L. Bradley Scholarship and the Wisconsin Dairy Products Association Scholarship to eligible students.
‘It’s the cows’ is the slogan the Minnesota-based dairy processor uses to tell consumers why Kemps’ dairy foods taste so good. It is the company’s business strategy and its innovative new products that make Kemps a favorite with grocery, co-pack and foodservice customers.