By putting the right programs and procedures in place, dairy facilities could help prevent cross-contact and contamination that lead to costly recalls.
In 2017, there were more than 400 food recalls in the United States. Undeclared allergens and/or improper labeling led the charge as the primary source. Pathogenic organisms from Listeria Monocytogenes and Salmonella and foreign materials came in second and third, respectively.
The use of flexible packaging continues to grow, thanks to the format's light weight, shelf impact and more. And with that growth come advances that are bringing new benefits to dairy processors.
Dairies and cheesemakers often choose rigid containers to set products apart from the competition and meet sustainability targets. And new rigid container offerings can help dairy processors enhance shelf impact, sustainability and convenience.
Cedar Crest’s Manitowoc, Wis., plant crafts ice cream in small batches — in dozens of creative flavors such as Jumping Jersey Cow and Coconut Explosion.
Cedar Crest Ice Cream makes an impressive amount of ice cream in its 45,408-square-foot facility in Manitowoc, Wis. The plant currently produces approximately 26 million pounds of product annually. The company uses the space wisely and continues to upgrade equipment and technology as product demand increases.
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) regulations represent a paradigm shift in how food is regulated in the United States to protect consumers from foodborne illness. The act and its corresponding regulations not only place more responsibility on food manufacturers, but also provide FDA with substantial new authority to use when inspecting facilities.
Processors of dairy foods and beverages understand that the detection of metal and other contaminants is critical to food safety efforts. Contaminant-related recalls not only are expensive, but also damaging to a brand's reputation.