Diabetes is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease and is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. The most prevalent form of diabetes, type 2 diabetes, usually appears in adults, often in middle age, and is responsible for nearly 200,000 U.S. deaths per year.
The message has not changed over the years: eat more fiber. Scientific studies continue to support this message and provide new evidence to indicate the importance of having optimal amounts of dietary fiber in the diet.
Your new product has hit the shelves. The packaging is bold and innovative. The claims are convincing and based on solid science. The flavor has been-well, it has been masked. The customer buys it once, but will he or she purchase it a second time if the flavor is less than optimal?
The nation's epidemic of overweight, undernourished and sedentary youth is leading to interventions in schools nationwide to help develop healthy lifestyle behaviors.
This year marks my 15th consecutive IFT Annual Meeting + Food Expo®. In my perspective, the show has aged much better than I have, and has evolved into a venue for continuing education in all areas of food science.