Chocolate milk is one consumer favorite in the midst of an identity crisis. Long a staple of most children’s school lunch, chocolate milk has been banned.
Dairy processors can ask a lot of questions. For example: How can I know if my dairy operations are cost competitive? What areas should I focus on to improve margins
Ask 100 people why they go to a tradeshow and you can get 100 different answers, among them: to find new equipment, to find new ingredients, to find new vendors,
Aurora Organic Dairy is a leading organic dairy company that serves the private-label market. With headquarters in Boulder, Colo., the company began marketing organic milk in 2004 and has been on a growth track ever since, as the demand for high-quality organic milk continues to grow.
In the last three years, China has become the world’s largest single dairy importer by far. The nation purchases more than twice as much as runner-up Russia.
I’ve been a fan of probiotics for about 20 years, which is around the time Stonyfield yogurt became available in Chicago. Since, numerous dairy foods marketers, mostly yogurt manufacturers, have claimed that their products contain probiotics.
Two studies released this summer find that demand for dairy foods and dairy ingredients will remain strong for years to come in developing countries, including China and Russia. In the