A variety of organic milk products will be offered under the new local dairy brand.
December 26, 2019
Wild Rose Foods, Portland, Ore., said it introduced Lulubelle’s Creamery, a new dairy brand of of local organic milk produced at Wild Rose Foods’ Lulubelle Creamery.
The U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), both based in Arlington, Va., praised the House of Representatives for today approving legislation implementing the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
The new structure provides a broader portfolio of dairy ingredients and support for food manufacturers and operators.
December 19, 2019
Dairy Farmers of America (DFA), a Kansas City, Kan.-based dairy cooperative, said it realigned its Ingredients division, including dairy powders, dairy food ingredients, DairiConcepts and Berkshire Dairy, to form DFA Ingredient Solutions.
Dairy organizations congratulate Hahn, are hopeful his leadership will be good for the dairy industry.
December 12, 2019
According to multiple news outlets, the U.S. Senate voted on Dec. 12 to confirm Stephen Hahn, M.D., most recently chief medical executive of the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, as commissioner of the FDA.
The public charity’s flagship program is Fuel Up to Play 60, which was created by National Dairy Council and the National Football League to improve health and wellness in schools across the country.
December 9, 2019
GENYOUth, a youth health and wellness nonprofit dedicated to creating healthier school communities, said it generated nearly $2 million during its annual fundraising gala on Dec. 4 at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.
Annual Celebration of Dairy holiday reception pays tribute to five officials who helped to advance policies important to the future of U.S. dairy.
December 5, 2019
The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), Washington, D.C., said it recognized five individuals whose careers have positively impacted the trajectory of U.S. dairy.