Potassium chloride has been explored as a salt replacer. Other approaches include adding flavor enhancers, using fermentates and trying selected starter adjuncts.
Dairy producers and processors have found value in what they used to throw away. Methane digesters and other technologies create energy to power homes, offices and industrial plants.
Government rules and programs affect dairy processors and their fleets. For example, there is the call to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve fuel efficiency of medium- and heavy-duty trucks beginning in 2017.
By now, we all know that the Mayans weren’t correct. The world did not end on Dec. 21, 2012, but anyone involved in trucking is certainly facing a number of problems and might feel as though the Mayans were onto something.
Nut milks, cereal-based beverages and blends are moving into the mainstream.
January 7, 2013
The market for dairy alternative drinks is growing, fueled by its increasing popularity in the West, where it is moving out of the specialist heath food arena and into the mainstream.
At a coffee shop chain in Dubai, camel's milk drinks have proven popular
October 9, 2012
Camel's milk has been so popular at Café2Go, a coffee shop chain in Dubai, that Emirati entrepreneur Jassim Al Bastaki has created the Camellos brand to promote it to a wider audience.