Saputo raised $640,000 for United Way branches across Canada.

The funds were raised during a three-week annual campaign that united employees for a good cause and featured creative workplace activities ranging from sketch contests to cannoli bake sales. Saputo matched every dollar donated, doubling the impact of this shared effort.

The company has supported United Way for more than two decades, embodying a steadfast commitment to building stronger, healthier communities. This latest contribution will play a crucial role in supporting the organization’s mission to address local needs and alleviate the burden of inflation and food insecurity. 

“Saputo and United Way have always shared common values and agree on how to have an impact on society through community involvement,” said Haig Poutchigian, president and chief operating officer of Saputo’s Canadian division. “With so much going on in the world that affects us in a profound way, it’s easy to overlook the needs of others. Now, more than ever, is the time to help those in need.”

“At Saputo, we are committed to giving back to the communities where we live and work, to celebrating diversity, and to genuinely caring about those in need,” added Louise Wagar, Regional Director and Co-President of the Company’s United Way campaign. “We achieve this in part through United Way, as the organization supports many causes within our community. By working together, we have an opportunity to truly make a difference.

In its fiscal year 2024 alone, Saputo invested $3.8 million in communities across Canada, making a difference in the lives of 3.4 million people. Beyond this, Saputo has forged dynamic partnerships with other valued Canadian organizations such as FitSpirit, KidSport, Le Grand défi Pierre Lavoie, and La Tablée des Chefs, amplifying its positive impact year after year.