It is once again time to look at the most popular stories on for the year. Let's check out the 10 most popular stories of 2024. The No. 1 item had the most page visits during the year. Please click on each individual item to the see the original story.
10. 17 tests for high-quality dairy products
9. Yoplait debuts high-protein yogurt
8. The 31st Annual Dairy 2024 Top 100: Mixed results
7. All about A2, goat and sheep milk
6. Dairy Farmers of America is Dairy Foods 2023 Processor of the Year
5. HP Hood LLC named 2024 Dairy Foods Plant of the Year
4. Nurri introduces Protein Milk Shakes
3. f'real debuts Mystery Flavor
2. Ben & Jerry's co-founders introduce Kamala Harris ice cream
1. siggi's to pay $10K to stay off a smartphone for a month