Danone and Zoetis announced a joint business development plan to drive sustainable practices on today’s dairy farms through the power of genetics for healthier cows.

Combining Danone’s commitment to environmental stewardship with Zoetis’ expertise in animal genetics, the partnership aims to innovate the dairy industry’s approach to breeding for sustainability, the companies said.

The plan between the two companies is intended to enable Danone to leverage Zoetis’ cutting-edge genetic technologies globally. The focus is on integrating sustainable practices into dairy genetics and selection, emphasizing animal well-being, reducing environmental impact, and promoting long-term resilience in dairy farming.

“Collaborative partnerships allow us to harmonize genetic innovation with sustainable practices. Through our partnership with Danone, we intend to leverage our respective expertise to set new benchmarks for healthier herds that contribute to a sustainable future for the dairy industry,” said Wafaa Mamilli, EVP, Chief Digital & Technology Officer, and Group President for China, Brazil, and Precision Animal Health at Zoetis.

As part of its commitment to equip dairy producers with innovative solutions to help them meet their sustainability goals, Zoetis’ genetic testing solutions and expertise provide the ability to predict an animal’s susceptibility to costly diseases and potential to remain healthy and productive over its lifetime, aligning with Danone’s ambition to support dairy production that prioritizes environmental resiliency.

“We really look forward to embarking with Zoetis on this journey. Together, we are committed to utilizing genomic testing as an important tool for incorporating sustainability at its core. This partnership aligns with our vision of creating positive change throughout the dairy value chain,” said Jean-Yves Krummenacher, chief procurement officer at Danone.