Stonyfield launched the Toxic Free Challenge, giving American consumers the chance to earn $1,000 if they will stay off of social media in the month leading up to the presidential election.

"It’s election season. No matter what side you’re on, we all know that political conversations on social media can quickly become heated and tension-filled: poisonous instead of productive… In other words: toxic," Stonyfield wrote in a news release.

"While we champion voting and voicing your opinion, we recognize that social media can become a breeding ground for toxicity during this time. As an organic brand, Stonyfield is on a mission to help you avoid toxicities that lurk around you, whether it be in the food you eat or where you spend your time," the company added.

The company will reward $1,000 to 100 randomly selected consumers who take part in the challenge.

For every entry in the Toxic Free Election Challenge, Stonyfield is also donating 50 cents per entry, up to $20,000, to The Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF). The OFRF works to foster the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems, and cultivates organic research, education, and federal policies that bring more farmers and acreage into organic production.

Entry information can be found here