Organic Valley has welcomed more than 50 new family farms into its fold in the first four months of 2024, and expects to bring in over 60 more by the end of the year.

The cooperative has been steadily growing its membership and expanding its supply chain across multiple regions, while staying true to its mission of saving and safeguarding small organic family farms.

"It fills us with excitement to bring these new farms into the fold of our cooperative, where we will join forces to further our cause and our dream of revolutionizing the food system," said Shawna Nelson, Organic Valley's executive vice president of membership. "Aligned with our roots of nourishing organic food, sustainable family farming and thriving communities, these farms are passionate about contributing to a movement that champions the interest of both farmers and consumers."

Organic Valley's newest farmer-owners are from PennsylvaniaWisconsinNew YorkIndianaKentuckyOhioMissouri and Iowa. These farmers are passionate about organic farming, soil health, animal care and nutritious food. Many of these organic dairy farming families are choosing to go to Organic Valley due to being dropped by businesses, switching to more pasture-based organic farming, or to create a solid future for the next generation.

By welcoming over 100 new farms in 2024, Organic Valley is strengthening its position as the largest organic farmer-owned cooperative in the nation and demonstrating its leadership in the organic movement. The co-op also welcomed more than 80 farmers in 2023, including the Miller family of Iowa.

"Organic Valley does for me what others can't do; the most beneficial is providing a stable, solid market for my milk," Toby Miller said. Miller also highlights the importance of keeping chemicals off the land. Simply put, he said, "Organic is better for everything."