The American Dairy Products Institute (ADPI), Elmhurst, Ill., said it expanded the ADPI Center of Excellence (COE) for 2018-2019. The COE is a selected group of dairy industry professionals with expertise across a wide array of dairy-related areas, including manufacturing processes, application, development, standards, risk management, business planning, quality assurance, testing, grading, business development, strategy, technical specifications, nutrition, regulatory compliance and others.

“We are extremely pleased to announce that this year ADPI has expanded the scope of our COE network and included resources for butter/milkfat and human nutrition expertise in addition to the previously covered areas,” said Blake Anderson, CEO. “Their addition reflects ADPI’s commitment to provide our members with dependable and valuable information and works in conjunction with ADPI's newly refreshed strategic plan for 2018-2020.”

Each COE member is vetted for his or her subject matter knowledge and is contracted by ADPI on an annual basis to provide a number of consultative and reference services to the organization and its membership. COE members are each bound by individual confidentiality agreements in keeping with ADPI’s mission and pre-competitive mandate, ADPI said.

Members may contact COE resources for, on a limited basis, complimentary information and input, and if/as needed may contract directly with those individuals who offer “consultative services” for more detailed or longer-term services. COE members may also be able to refer a member to other industry experts for direction and further guidance based on the issue and/or opportunity at hand, ADPI said.

All subject matter communication details between a member and a COE resource are kept confidential and not published nor shared across ADPI’s membership. ADPI said it is encouraging its members to contact COE resources with any questions and informational needs they have. Members may also contact ADPI staff to assist in identifying which COE resource would best fit their needs, or they may download the “Quick Guide to the COE.”