Sign of the Times

Sign of the Times
by James Dudlicek, Editor
The Organic Valley team says organics are the future, and their booming business suggests they may be right.
Organic ain’t what
it used to be — a bunch of hippies with long hair and sandals,
growing their own food and selling their wares by word of mouth to a few
like-minded folks here and there, in some obscure, out-of-the-way shop.
About the only thing that’s the same is the hair and the
sandals. OK, so Organic Valley Family of Farms technically grows
its own food, but it’s on a nationwide network of organic farms, with
milk bottled at 65 plants in 25 states, sold by major retailers across the
country. And the core of consumers — who more often find organic
foods in their local mainstream supermarket — continues to grow,
yielding sales in excess of $400 million for a line of
products including dairy, meat and produce.
The incremental growth over the past two decades for
the La Farge, Wis.-based cooperative is proof that organic can work on a
national scale, a reach that’s key to spreading the company’s
“Running a successful business model allows us
to spread the mission,” says Mike Bedessem, Organic Valley’s
chief financial officer. “We want to be innovative, practical and
thrifty. If we have a successful business model, people will
Part of that success is not just serving its customers
— with a full line of dairy products including milk, cream, cheese,
butter and cultured products — but its farmer members as well.
“We’re not a private company that’s
worried about stock value and all that kind of thing,” says chief
executive officer George Siemon, a lifelong farmer who prefers the title
C-E-I-E-I-O. “Our business is to serve our farmers. That allows us to
really focus on being an authentic brand. Our farmers want us to have the
highest standards possible. It’s really exciting, because what the
farmers want is really what the consumers want: the highest organic
integrity possible. So that’s win-win for us.”
Integrity of the organic standards is crucial to the
success of the company, which began in 1988 as a co-op of organic farmers.
“We’re a pioneer. You might say George and the other pioneers
wrote the standards for organic dairy,” says marketing executive
Theresa Marquez. “That’s why organic dairy works, because the
standards were really developed by farmers. Many think the organic standard
is a health claim; it’s a production process. Does it end up having
some health benefits? Yes, and it’s being proven more every day. But
we still have to remember it was a production process that was led by
Organic Valley is itself a leader in the organic dairy
arena. The brand ranked fourth overall and second among organic brands
(right behind Horizon Organic at third overall) among skim and low-fat milk
brands with $92 million in sales for the year ending June 17, an increase
of more than 24 percent over the previous year, according to data from
Information Resources Inc. (IRI) reported in Dairy
Field’s State of the Industry 2007 in
August. Among whole milk brands, Organic Valley ranked 8th overall with more
than $27 million in sales, an increase of nearly 20 percent over the
previous year.
It’s evidence that growth in the organic dairy
segment is stronger than widely thought, Siemon says. “Right now, the
data’s a little hard to tell, with private label and the Wal-Mart
factor, but we think that organic fluid milk is 6 percent of the market
right now,” he says. “We’ve got to get out of the grip
that it’s 2 percent — things are changing fast. Our success has
surprised all of us in the marketplace.”
Further, young mothers have replaced baby boomers as
the hot target demographic, Siemon contends. “They’re very
concerned about what they feed their children, and milk and yogurt are two
of the top items for which they feel concern, and the mass market’s
really brought the availability to a whole new audience,” he says.
“The mass market’s a major part of why we’ve seen organic
triple over the past few years. It’s got access to so many new
customers, and it’s working.”
For Organic Valley, it means getting its products into
national retailers like Whole Foods, Kroger, Safeway and Wal-Mart, and
prominent regional players like Fred Meyer, Publix, Wegmans, Harris Teeter
and HEB.
And while some decry the mass market as a threat to
organic’s mission, the folks at Organic Valley see it as the gateway
to organic’s eventual dominance in the food industry.
“A lot of the pioneers of the organic industry
are disillusioned by our success. That’s just tough,” Siemon
says. “I always say, pioneers hate settlers. That’s just a lot
of what I see out there. The mass market is introducing a whole new world
to organics and we have a lot of faith that once they start buying
organics, they’ll start thinking a lot more about their food, doing
their own research. We embrace the mass market; it’s part of our
Getting It Out There
As far and wide as Organic Valley’s products are
available, the company actually does very little of its own manufacturing,
which the company’s management team believes is consistent with the
organic mission.
“Manufacturing is an enhancement, but it’s
not core to organic,” says Louise Hemstead, chief operating officer
and a member farmer whose family’s farm was the setting for this
month’s cover photo. “So a long time ago, when we were small,
we set up relationships with various co-packers around the state of
Wisconsin and the Midwest to manufacture products for us. It works well for
them and for us. They have a fairly known quantity that we will bring in
and produce over a series of months, and we pay well.”
Quality control is tight; co-packers are subjected to
internal audits as well as those by Organic Valley customers and to ensure
national organic certification. “It’s a complex web, but really
not so hard when it started one piece at a time,” Hemstead says.
“We have co-processing facilities in 25 states — about 65
plants — doing cheeses, various powders and dry milks for
Organic Valley owns a butter plant in Chaseburg, about
an hour’s drive west of the corporate headquarters in southwestern
Wisconsin, plus a cheese-cutting operation in the company’s original
creamery in La Farge. “That was born out of necessity because at one
time we were so small, no one would cut cheese for us,” Hemstead
explains of the facility that will be upgraded this year. “We had a
few part-timers that would come in a few days a week and they would cut our
random-weight cheeses for us. That evolved into six days a week on two
shifts. We outsource some of it, our shreds and slices.”
The latest addition is a distribution center in nearby
Cashton, which opened to much fanfare in late July. “Those are
significant pieces of our business, but really don’t represent the
core, which is outsourced — all the fluid bottling and the
manufacturing of cheeses,” Hemstead says. “You can’t make
blue cheese and cheddar cheese and mozzarella in the same plant, but our
customers want blue cheese, mozzarella cheese, cheddar, parmesan. So by
working with these specialty cheesemakers, we can meet these
The arrangement represents what has perhaps become one
of Organic Valley’s greatest strengths: being a national supply and
logistics chain. Of course, when one thinks of “logistics,”
often what comes to mind is great big gas-guzzling semis hauling products
from coast to coast.
“While we’ve been growing as fast as
we’ve been growing, shipping products all over the United States
and the world, we can say we’re not real proud that we’ve been
a perfect sustainable company, but that’s what it’s taken to
pioneer organic,” Siemon says. “We’d ship product into
the West and Northwest. But that would give us an opportunity to build the
business; then we could recruit local farmers and do it locally. Anytime we
can push to be local, we do.”
Bringing more manufacturing in-house is not
necessarily in the cards. “Will we add more processing? Maybe,”
Hemstead says. “We talk about reduce, reuse, recycle. What’s
better than using existing facilities instead of building new ones?
It’s part of who we are and part of who we will be.”
Bedessem adds: “The reason we have farmers in 29
states is a desire to be local, and we’re accomplishing that.
That’s why we’ve reached out a long ways away from Wisconsin.
One of the fundamental principles of organics is local food.”
And it’s something the farmer members want,
Marquez says. “They take such pride in knowing their milk is going
local. Our farmer-owners constantly want to see their milk on the shelf in their local stores. It’s
fantastic,” she says. “Some farmers actually go to the local
stores and say, ‘Why are you carrying someone else’s milk?
We’re right here in the neighborhood!’”
Getting What Out There?
For quite some time, organic processors could barely
meet demand for milk. Now supply is finally catching up, which bodes well
for continued expansion of the category.
“The mass-market consumer is buying milk,
yogurt, maybe butter, and then maybe cottage cheese and sour cream,”
Siemon says. “The point being, they’re not embracing all the
products yet. So should we keep coming out with new products that are way
down the list when they’re still maturing into the whole category? We
come out with lots of new products, but niching a niche is something we
have to watch out for. We’ve been short of milk for 21¼2 years, so really we’re in
a new day now where we are seriously taking a look at a lot of the things
that are exciting in the cultured dairy products world, now that
we’ve got our inventory built back up.”
Organic Valley rosters some 800 SKUs overall, of which
nearly 500 are dairy products. One of the products that continues to do
well, and the product credited with really helping the company to break
into the mass market, is extended-shelf-life milk — not only
flavored, as is most common for UHT processing, but white varieties as
“It really opened up the mass market for us in
some real significant ways,” says Jerry McGeorge, director of
cooperative affairs. “I think we were in the forefront, not only in
organic but in dairy in this country when we made that decision.”
That decision took Organic Valley from 100 percent
HTST-processed milk to 60/40 favoring UHT, Hemstead explains. But while
shelf-stable milk would allow shipment across greater distances, Organic
Valley works with regional plants to more closely maintain its commitment
to a local supply.
“We have milk in Colorado, California, Idaho,
Utah and the Northwest,” Hemstead says. “So you’re
catering to that area, and people want to see that. And it’s a better
carbon footprint. We’re not driving that milk very far. What we bring
from the Midwest, then, are the specialty items that people are asking for.
You can’t make blue cheese crumbles in 10 states … so all our
hard dairy comes out of the Midwest and runs out to the other
The Midwest and Pacific Northwest tend to be test beds
for new products. “The Pacific Northwest has been a test market for a
lot of organic companies. If it can’t go in the Pacific Northwest, it
probably can’t go anywhere,” Marquez says, chuckling.
“For example, we did non-homogenized milk there. Something like that
is never going to be a huge seller like gallons of 1 percent, but it does
kind of give us a nice, rounded portfolio.”
Organic Valley’s latest project is butter with
CLAs — beneficial fatty acids that are known to inhibit cancer.
“It’s a very complex product in that it’s actually a
natural trans fat. If you say that to anyone right now, they’d say,
‘No, no, no,’ but yet it’s one of the most powerful
antioxidants for preventing cancer,” Marquez says. “Right now,
if we look at what we’re trying to pioneer in the whole arena of
organic and health issues, it makes a lot of sense for us to look at CLA
butter, which is from pastured animals. And in organic, test after test is
showing 30 to 50 percent higher CLAs in organic pastured animals, so we
have an excellent claim that we could be marketing.”
Siemon acknowledges that most of organic’s
supposed benefits are based on opinion rather than science, something that
Organic Valley hopes to change now that its member farmers have agreed to
pay a nickel per hundredweight into a research fund.
“One of the problems with organics is that we
don’t have a lot of science, and we need to start getting more
science so we can sort through those things,” he says. “We
believe it’s time to start backing ourselves up with science. I think
there’s a lot of work that needs to be done, and we feel
there’s more benefits and positive results to organics that we only
have an opinion about, and we’re eager to get the science so we can
say, ‘Here it is.’”
Such support would help the company fulfill another of
its commitments: tapping food’s inherent goodness, rather than using
“We do all we can to make natural dairy products
with as few ingredients as possible,” Siemon says. “We really
believe organic milk has quality — the quality and as few ingredients
as possible is a big part of what we do. Our job is to think of concerns
that consumers have and build brand value. We’re always listening for
concerns that consumers have and how we can get ahead of them. We’ve
been so overwhelmed by the demand for good, old white milk — and we
were short of milk until the last seven months. We had plenty of new
products to put out, but we’ve been busy just keeping up.”
An adequate milk supply has also made possible the
development of a pioneering area for organics: foodservice, through
relationships with Sysco, US Good, Reinhart and Performance Food Group.
“We’re really trying to invest in the foodservice market
because that’s one part of organic that’s just starting to
unfold right now. That’s definitely a new market we’re
after,” Siemon says. “We’re also making a move into the
Asian market — we’re working on some projects there.”
Rooting for Dairy
Siemon pulls no punches when discussing what he sees
as the dairy industry’s significant challenges. “I think the
biggest challenge for the industry is to not be the mouthpiece for special
interests. That’s kind of a harsh statement, but I’m reading
all the controversial things and I see the think tanks influencing us, and
I think the dairy industry needs to think for itself and not be influenced
by these special interest groups,” he says, referring to the debate
over artificial bovine growth hormones.
“We do all we can to be positive, and it’s
tough. We’re very proud to be a part of the dairy industry, and that
means we’re akin to the rest of the industry. We’re on the same
side. We just believe in choice to let our farmers farm a certain way, our
consumers choose a certain way, and I think the dairy industry has to
embrace that the consumer is changing out there. They’re no longer
just buying into everything they’re told; they do their own research
on the Web, a whole educational thing. I just get alarmed when I see some
of the divisive things going on in the dairy industry when I don’t
think there’s that much division. It’s the influence of the
special interests.”
The choice Siemon speaks of is what Hemstead discussed
during a panel discussion on organics at Dairy Forum last January.
“It’s not about pitting one against another. We’ve been
accused of dividing the industry. That’s not our mantra and our
story,” she says. “But what we find is that certain
special-interest groups who are losing their market are actually drumming
up a division in the dairy industry. The industry needs to be thinking for
itself, not for the chemical/pharmaceutical industries.”
Meanwhile, the folks at Organic Valley find comfort in
a tide that seems to be turning among conventional milk brands as well.
“When we see the new conventional milk coming out that does not use
rBGH, we still see organic doing quite well in those markets,”
Marquez says. “For example, the organic market in California is quite
strong. It’s one of the strongest growing organic markets in the
country. Of course, you have 13 organic milks there.”
Marquez says it’s unfortunate that the push
toward organics and “food as medicine” comes at the same time
that people are also spending much more money on health care.
“It’s double what we spend on food. It’s
counter-intuitive in some ways. On one side there’s food as medicine,
‘I want to live longer and have a healthy life.’ On the other
side, there’s ‘I don’t want my children to have cancer,
reproductive problems and a host of other new childhood diseases that are
linked to pesticides,’” she says. “Let’s face it,
50 percent of consumers just want to get home and feed their kids, no
matter what it is. They don’t have the time [to worry about
what’s in their food]; some of them have two or three jobs. You
can’t keep putting billions of pounds of pollutants in the
environment without people saying, ‘Maybe I should look at
Further, Marquez says concerns about food security
continue to drive more consumers toward organics at a steady pace since
9/11. “The whole local movement is about food security, and
personally I believe — though I don’t think we have the studies
yet to prove it — that when people go local and they learn more about
their food, they feel more of a connection with food,” she says.
“I really believe that once people get connected with their
food, people say, ‘What’s more important, local or
organic?’ to me it’s a no-brainer: it’s local and organic.”
Technology like the Internet has made it easier than
ever before for consumers to learn about food, where it comes from and what
goes into it. But while Organic Valley sees a benefit from this education,
the basics can’t be overlooked.
“We are a business like any other business, and
something the management team and George have always stressed is quality
and service,” Bedessem says. “We have to provide products that
people want, they have to be fresh, they have to taste good and they have
to be convenient to buy. If we do our part, the consumer’s going to
do their part, because there’s a natural push toward learning more
about food. Consumers will come to different conclusions; that’s why
we keep saying it’s about choices. But a number of consumers —
and certainly it seems like an exponential increase — have come to
the conclusion they have to think about what they’re eating and
they’re going to look for foods that satisfy their desire for
In the Community
Organic Valley’s emphasis on local doesn’t
stop at delivering products to the store. “We have a non-profit NGO
[non-governmental organization], partners who we call the unsung heroes.
They have the ear of the organic consumer,” Marquez says.
“Whenever we can do partnerships on a regional basis, that’s
when they become more powerful. So we have quite a few programs that are
very regional. We do over 200 events a year, everything from mommy and baby
fairs to bicycle runs to 4K runs.”
The programs are overseen by five regional teams
serving the Pacific Northwest, California, the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic and
East Coast areas. “We go to our local folks, our farmers, even some
of our plant people, and ask them what regional events we should be a part
of — what are the organizations that are really making a difference
— and then we put back some of our money into those regions by
supporting those events and groups,” Marquez explains. “Last
year, we gave a million dollars in money and food to these organizations.
It’s very important for us to be putting money and attention and
support back into these regional communities that support our
The company’s advertising follows a similar
path. “We do regional advertising — a lot of weekly papers,
some billboards, trucks,” Marquez says. “I’d like to see
more national advertising, but we just don’t have the money —
it’s very expensive. Our strength is not 100 percent in every state,
so it makes marketing sense to be very targeted. We actually look at our
budget and divide it up by region and customer segment.”
In each region, Organic Valley spends 70 percent of
its marketing dollars toward moms and kids, equal to their proportion of
the company’s demographic breakdown. “At the same time, we take
5 to 10 percent of our marketing dollars and focus it on what George calls
the ‘tipping point’— meaning they’re not really our
customers yet, but they ought to be,” Marquez says.
Also helping to spread the message is Organic
Valley’s farmer ambassador program, which includes 300 farmers from
among the co-ops 1,200 members. The program convenes several training
sessions across the country on how to better explain organics to the public
and press.
The company also employs what Marquez describes as
“buzz marketing,” to get folks talking about the brand.
“We’ve identified a dozen influential groups who we talk to all
the time,” she says. “If we can get people in every state
saying things … every touch point in the company is an opportunity to
convert someone. That’s the most powerful marketing we can
Moving Forward
Looking ahead, Organic Valley is committed to staying
true to its mission: focusing on serving American farmers by creating a
successful brand. “Staying true to our mission is a constant
education with our staff and with our farmers,” Bedessem says.
“It’s about offering farmers choices 20 years from now. We need
to nurture and sustain a business model because there is no exit strategy.
Other businesses say, ‘We might sell’ … The exit strategy
is, 20 years from now, farmers will have choices — they can continue
to farm, they can retire, they can sell the farm to the kids. We want to
create a business that will allow those farmers to make that choice about
what they want to do with their farm.”
Meanwhile, the Organic Valley team will have its hands
full managing the growth that has made it a success. “We have grown a
business basically over the last 20 years from zero to $430 million,”
Bedessem says. “The challenge for us is to see whether as an
organization we can grow, because we anticipate the organic industry is
going to continue to grow between 15 and 20 percent as it has for the last
20 years, and now that 15 percent in our business is close to $100 million.
Can we continue to take a $400 million business and make it a
billion-dollar business with all of the systems that we’re going to
The additional challenge, McGeorge says, is dealing
with the growth while still maintaining its focus as a co-op.
“We’ve been together for a long time and we’re very
steeped in that idea of a cooperative with these values that we
have,” he says. “But what about the next 150 employees, the
next 300 farmers — how do we make sure we bring that to them in
a way that makes sense and they’re able to continue the mission we
started 20 years ago?”
Marquez adds: “We have a serious dedication to
elevating the status of farming — and keeping people in
And the company further has a dedication to organic as
a philosophy, not just a buzzword, Hemstead says. “What we do is
organic, from the beginning to the end, and it’s what we will be
doing in five years. I think that’s a critical piece of staying true
to our core mission,” she says. “We’ve been emphasizing
pastures for years. We can tell you what month CLAs go up and what month
they go down. … What we will be doing is organic.”
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