Frustrations, Factions and Federal Fallacies
As the “ole preacher” who is credited with writing most of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes said:
To everything there is a season, A time for every
purpose under the sun. A time to be born and a time to die; A time to
plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted …
Yes — it is
time! It’s time for an informed and factual discussion about future
government dairy policies. Current policies are often politically driven,
bestow great financial rewards upon some and impose financial harm unto
others. Why should the federal government be the arbitrator and decide who
wins and who loses?
Perhaps a more pertinent question might be, why should
the federal milk order program be operated in a manner that giveth to some
and taketh away from others?
During the first 60 years of the federal milk pricing
program, the basis for making decisions was consistently applied and more
economically and factually based. Recent order decisions seem more
whimsical — using a “which way is the wind blowing”
criteria. Where is home base?
Recent USDA actions make the point vividly clear. USDA
convened an emergency hearing in January 2006 to consider increasing the
make allowance for Class III (cheese) and Class IV (butter and dried
products). Although the criteria for setting the make allowance should have
been the cost of converting raw milk into various manufactured products,
USDA arbitrarily adopted a make allowance significantly lower than the
hearing record justified.
Company after company, cooperative after cooperative
is producing red ink. The losses may well drive some to bankruptcy. The
burden of this result falls squarely on USDA’s shoulders for not
basing its decision on the record facts and for not applying its normal
criteria. It was far too little (less than half of what it should have
been) and much too late (over a year after calling an emergency hearing).
A second example involves USDA’s quick response
to call another emergency hearing, this time to consider increasing the
Class I and II prices ostensibly to offset the lower Class III and IV
prices previously described. USDA received a petition to hold such a
hearing in October 2006, published the hearing notice in November and held
the hearing in December. The statutory and long-time administrative
criteria for setting Class I prices is to provide a farm price that will
provide an adequate supply of milk for fluid milk consumption.
Normally, USDA would have denied a request for a
hearing based on the large and more than adequate supplies of milk. But
this time they not only held the hearing but called it an emergency. Where
is home base? What are the criteria?
The third example was another emergency hearing USDA
convened 1? years ago to consider what products should be in Class I and
II. The primary driver for this hearing appears to have been federal milk
order market administrators and USDA’s Washington staff. Many new
beverages containing some dairy-derived ingredients, but less than the
minimum required to be Class I, were being introduced at the time. USDA
issued a recommended decision in May 2006 and proposed several new criteria
for determining a product’s classification, but hasn’t taken
any further action.
Each of these pending actions and the “hurry up
and wait” process at USDA has created much frustration and friction
within the industry, and great uncertainty about what action USDA might
take on any given issue. Where is USDA’s compass?
Tip Tipton, chairman and chief executive officer of
the Washington, D.C.-based Tipton Group, is the former CEO of the
International Dairy Foods Association.
Smart marketing 2007
SmartMarketing hits Las
Vegas March 14 to15 at The Westin Casuarina Hotel and Spa. This event is
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solutions to the most pressing issues facing dairy marketers. The sessions
will help you synthesize trends into actionable strategies and look at your
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practices, innovative strategies and practical tactics that you can put to
use for your company immediately. You’ll hear how major marketers are
using alternative media from message integration to social network
marketing. You’ll find out the latest cooking and food trends from
the people who set the trends. And you’ll hear from your customers.
What are the issues about which they are most concerned? How can you work
together to grow your businesses? Plus, you’ll find out the winners
of the Achieving Excellence Marketing Awards, co-sponsored by Dairy Field magazine. For more
information, visit www.idfa.org
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