Lessons in Leadership

Lessons in Leadership
By James Dudlicek
We have a golden opportunity in this industry,”
Roger Capps says matter-of-factly. “With all the talk about
obesity and consumption of sodas and so forth, I believe the
soft-drink industry is beginning to get that message, and before somebody
slaps their hand really good, they’re going to get carbonated
beverages out of the cafeteria.” ·
Capps, executive vice president and chief executive
officer of Carlinville, Ill.-based Prairie Farms Dairy Inc., is talking
about dairy’s opportunity to take back the schools and reclaim its
rightful share of youngsters’ stomachs. It has been a hard fight
against changing tastes and deep-pocketed pop companies, but Capps is
taking his company head-on into the fray. Results of his St. Louis School
Milk Test show he’s on the right track.
Not that Prairie Farms is taking all the credit, but
the others involved with the experiment are eager to offer praise.
“When Roger called and asked us to take part in
this, we said yes, unhesitatingly,” says Rita Duncan, executive
director of the St. Louis District Dairy Council. “If you can’t
change eating habits of kids, you might as well give up. If kids have a bad
milk experience in school, they are not going to drink milk when they have
a choice.”
And that’s exactly the point Capps is trying to
drive home to the entire industry, by showing his peers that treating
schools as a market rather than just a bidding situation will go a long way
toward ensuring the long-term survival of beverage milk.
Indeed, Prairie Farms has always been committed to the
dairy industry for the long term. With $2.1 billion in annual sales,
including joint ventures, it has grown from an alliance of rural Illinois
creameries to one of the largest dairy cooperatives in the United States.
Prairie Farms manufactures and markets a full line of dairy food products
out of its own 17 plants, along with 13 others through subsidiary companies
and joint ventures throughout the Midwest.
Curing St. Louis’ Blues
Flush with success from the St. Louis school test (see
sidebar), Prairie Farms is ready to expand this strategy to schools
throughout the company’s marketing area.
Capps says he came up with the idea for the test after
attending various industry presentations that discussed improving school
milk programs. “Points that were being continually made were that we
needed to give students retail quality in flavored milk. We needed to give
them more choice in flavors. We needed to improve the graphics on the
packaging. And the milk needed to be served cold, and our industry needed
to work with the schools to assure the milk was served cold,” he
“We offered four different choices — white
milk, chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. We added new graphics on the
cartons, more colorful graphics. We gave them the same quality chocolate as
in our regular lines, not the ‘bid chocolate’ that the industry
for years has put into the school lunch program. And we worked with the
school district on the temperature the milk is served at, and really
stressed the importance of cold milk. Then, it was really a lot of
follow-up by Prairie Farms, the St. Louis District Dairy Council and
MilkPEP to give strength to the program.”
Duncan called the council’s participation in the
test a no-brainer. “If it makes kids drink more milk, we want to be a
part of it,” she says. “It has to be a positive experience to
get them to come back again. We’ve had foodservice directors calling
us all summer long [after learning about the test results] asking,
‘When can we participate?’”
In-school promotions included mobiles, posters, static
clings and “got milk?” buttons and hats. “Cafeteria
workers wore ‘got milk?’ shirts,” explains Ed Mullins,
senior vice president. “Some schools had their art departments work
on milk mustache posters and had teachers participate to see who had the
best-looking milk mustache. One school did a scientific study and charted
sales by flavor, by day, as part of a math and science project.”
Things like that show children are developing an
earlier understanding of the benefits of good health. “Kids are more
aware of good health than ever,” says Bill Montgomery, director of
advertising and promotion, “and the dairy industry should be right
there to support this.”
Meanwhile, school foodservice officials took to the
airwaves of local public television. “When we kicked off the
campaign, we had a ‘what’s happening in the district’
show and talked about obesity and the need for increased milk
consumption,” recalls Leslie Fowler, marketing and communications
manager for Aramark/St. Louis Public Schools.
Fowler says the study was of particular interest in
urban-area schools with high black student populations. “People say
African-Americans don’t drink milk [due to a higher occurrence of
lactose intolerance],” she says, “but our sales went up 40
percent, so that went right out the window.”
According to Mullins, Fowler’s response to the
program is typical of the glowing feedback from foodservice directors and
other school officials. “It also helped raise the average daily
participation rate in the lunch program, which is a real benefit to the
school district,” he says. “That was something they were very
excited about.”
The kids are excited, too, over their newfound
enjoyment of milk. One interesting development due to the new flavor
offerings, Fowler notes, is that many kids like to pour vanilla milk over
their Cocoa Krispies for breakfast at school.
That’s the kind of enthusiasm that Capps
stresses is sorely needed. “We want milk to be something that’s
an enjoyment for the children,” he says. “I’ve always had
the feeling quite often that the way we treated the school lunch program
— as a bid, a very competitive thing — that by the time a
student got to be a freshman in high school, they no longer wanted milk,
and they were looking for alternative beverages. The drive here is to try
to make an attractive beverage for the children to enjoy, not only in grade
school but in high school and in adult life.”
Out of School
Of course, Prairie Farms has plenty of things cooking
outside the classroom.
“Our success in the past year has been the
expansion of our plastic line,” Mullins says. “Plastic quarts
and plastic pints continue to show great growth.”
Prairie Farms is also taking advantage of the changing
retail scene. As many mass merchandisers expand to offer refrigerated
grocery items (for example, recent Target expansions in the Chicago area),
Prairie Farms milk, juice and cultured products can be found lining their
dairy cases. “The trend is to expand on this,” Mullins says.
“They’re adding more items in more stores.”
Brand visibility is rising in other areas as well.
“We’re making a special-edition milk over in Indiana, tying in
with the NFL’s Indianapolis Colts,” Montgomery says.
“It’s a partnership between Prairie Farms and the ADA in
Indiana. The Colts’ colors are blue, so this is a blue raspberry
milk. We designed a special package and developed all the merchandising
The plastic pints will be distributed primarily
through convenience stores in Indiana, as well as the Colts’ stadium.
And the new blue raspberry flavor has joined the school milk program lineup
as well, in paper half-pints.
“We hope Indiana consumers enjoy this,”
Montgomery says. “We have highly engaging graphics to call
attention to it. We think it’s going to be fun for kids and for fans,
and should be a unique opportunity to position milk as a top-of-mind,
mainstream beverage.”
Prairie Farms’ product line features fluid milk,
juices and drinks, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, ice cream,
soft-serve ice cream mix and frozen novelties. Branded unit sales exceed 50
percent of total units sold.
The company’s customer base continues to evolve
and includes traditional retail supermarkets along with other fast-emerging
formats in convenience stores and mass merchandisers, as well as the
fast-food industry. Serving this expanding base makes maintaining topnotch
service crucial.
“It goes back to the essential promise of
the Prairie Farms brand, which is to provide the highest-quality product on
a consistent basis, and to go along with that, a high level of customer
service,” Montgomery explains. “That’s key to Prairie
Farms and to long-term success.”
It goes back to the company’s roots, Capps says.
“You see the pictures of F.A. Gourley and Leonard Southwell on the
wall in our lobby, the gentlemen who really put together this organization.
They always said, ‘Let’s keep it simple,’ and that is to
produce quality products, be very efficient and give the best service to
customers. That was our motto in 1938 and it remains ours today,” he
says. “We have always believed that if we do those things right, we
don’t have to worry too much about the profit — it will be
there, because the salespeople can sell with confidence, be proud of their
products and get a respectable price, and then the margin will take care of
itself. Even though we’re a co-op, we’ve always believed that
we must have a profit, no different than a publicly held company. We must
generate earnings for our members.”
Prairie Farms utilizes television, radio, newspapers
and billboards to support its brand, as well as FSIs, in-store coupons and
other consumer programs.
“The equity of our brand is very
powerful,” Montgomery says. “Our strong presence throughout the
Midwest over the years is yielding what most marketers hope to achieve:
loyal customers. Consumers purchase our products with confidence, relying
on the quality they have come to know and trust from Prairie Farms. While
at the dairy case, consumers make their choices in five seconds or less.
With so many choices, we can proudly say that once the consumer recognizes
our brand, the sale is made. We will continue to build on our quality
reputation by listening to our consumers and addressing their needs through
product development and innovation.”
Taking on the Future
Supporting product development requires keeping up
with technology. Latest developments at Prairie Farms are still under wraps
while they make their way through the budgeting process.
“Up to a third of our earnings goes right back
into keeping our facilities updated, keeping new delivery equipment out on
the street and so forth,” Capps says. “It’s very
important we give the plants the tools they need to maintain quality,
efficiency and customer service. We also are constantly looking for ways to
improve our products. Even though we feel like Prairie Farms is already
making the best cottage cheese, we’re continually working to see if
there’s a better way to make cottage cheese or sour cream or yogurt.
Cultured products is really where technology comes into play. It’s so
important with your brand to have cultured products that are excellent and
let those products be the driving force for some of the more commodity-type
items like a gallon of milk.”
Certainly, dealing with that commodity mindset is a
challenge for an industry trying to increase consumption by stressing
differentiation from alternatives. But the forces of a dynamic economy have
brought about some other serious issues.
“I think one of the biggest financial challenges
companies are facing right now is the tremendous increase in fuel
costs,” Mullins says. “It’s not easy to recapture all
those costs quickly as they occur, and it’s always challenging to
pass along the necessary increases. Such costs cut through all levels of
production, from the farm to the plant, the supplies we buy and have
trucked in, then on to the finished product and distribution.”
Eventually, Mullins says, processors are going to feel
another crunch as consumers start making significant changes to offset
their gasoline expenses. “You have a percentage of shoppers who are
shopping at the super center because they can get everything at one time.
Then you have a large percentage of consumers who are shopping in three
different channels. They go to the supermarket for their groceries, then
they go on to mass merchandisers and dollar stores to purchase something
else,” he says. “I think as the economy tightens up and the
discretionary dollars start to shrink because of fuel costs and other costs
that families are facing, I think you’re going to see some of these
concepts even emerge more. It’s a changing environment at all
Meanwhile, efforts continue to boost consumption
across the board, with emphasis placed on a key demographic. “Prairie
Farms continues to focus on ‘moms’ as our core target,”
Montgomery says. “We realize moms are the gatekeepers of beverages
consumed by children, and we leverage this as much as possible by
emphasizing our products are a healthy and delicious choice for their
children, as well as themselves. Many in the food industry are
reformulating their product lines in order to offer healthy choices to the
consumer. We have a distinct advantage over other beverage companies, which
is milk — nature’s most perfect food.”
But as the industry strives to increase consumption,
Capps has concerns about maintaining a skilled work force to keep up with
demand. “One the biggest challenges the whole dairy industry faces is
the recruitment and development of personnel. It is really, I think,
the number-one challenge we face,” he says of the
labor-intensive, time-demanding business.
“It’s a challenge for the industry to
recruit new personnel and, hopefully, develop them into dairy
Opportunities exist in many areas, among them a
population of better-informed and educated consumers growing beyond just a
trend toward healthier diet and lifestyles. “The dairy industry must
act upon its inherent strengths by aggressively building the momentum of
appreciation for the essential everyday health benefits of dairy
products,” Montgomery says.
Helping that along is the USDA’s revised dietary
guidelines, which recommend Americans over age 8 should consume three
servings of lowfat or fat-free dairy foods daily. Further, through the
efforts of industry-wide promotions, awareness of dairy’s role in
weight loss continues to grow; by May 2005, 74 percent of moms had heard
about the dairy/weight loss link.
“Prairie Farms will build on this powerful
message by leveraging national programs at local levels and developing
marketing programs to effectively reach these consumers,” Montgomery
As the food industry further consolidates and new
retail formats emerge, those consumers are finding their grocery shopping
needs met in locations other than traditional supermarkets.
“I think the greatest opportunity is in the
trend toward alternative formats that have expanded distribution beyond
traditional grocery stores to dollar stores, mass merchandisers and
convenience stores,” Mullins says. “We will continue to address
the ever-changing needs of our loyal customers by providing healthy,
delicious and convenient products to fit their lifestyle. We are
consistently investing in technology and upgrading our manufacturing
All in the Family
Prairie Farms preaches a seemingly simple management
philosophy through its mission statement: to increase equity value balanced
with organization growth; to encourage each employee to attain his or her
maximum potential; to simply do what is right, and conduct business with
professional integrity; to strengthen its competitive edge by embracing the
principle of innovation; to be the leader in high-quality products and
Included in that employee enrichment is encouragement
to take on leadership roles outside the company as well. “We want our
personnel to be active in the community,” Capps says. “For
example, we encourage it by paying their dues for membership in local civic
organizations. We are generous in our donations to advanced education as
well as other charitable organization. We just try to be good corporate
At the same time, the company shuns credit for its
good deeds. “We keep a low profile,” Montgomery notes.
“We go about these things, but we don’t look for a lot of
So, while quietly enriching the industry, its
employees and the communities in which they live, what’s the goal of
Prairie Farms in the foreseeable future?
“What we’d like to see, looking back five
years from now, is that we’ll have had a growth of 25 percent,”
Capps says. “It’ll come through brand development, acquisition
and moving into new marketing areas. That would be our
And in its position near the top of the heap among
dairy co-ops, what is it that sets Prairie Farms apart from its peers?
“We don’t measure our success by the
number of co-op members, but rather by adding value to the raw milk our
farmers supply, and then the amount of compensation we are able to return
to our members,” Mullins says. “This is what sets us apart as a
farmer-owned dairy cooperative.”
Capps agrees, while stressing the importance of seeing
the company as a family. “We say that sincerely. We want people, when
they come to Prairie Farms, to want to make it their home and their
career,” he says.
“So we try to be a family, whether it is farmer
members, manufacturing personnel, corporate staff, sales or delivery. It
hurts whenever we lose an employee. We just don’t like to see a
Prairie Farms employee go elsewhere. The key is developing employees to
their full potential and being able to reward them financially for the
contribution they make.”
A concerted effort among the entire Prairie Farms
family to provide the highest-quality products available in the marketplace
is one of the things of which the company’s leaders are most proud.
As Capps stresses, people make the difference.
And whether it’s enhancing the school milk
experience to ensure a new generation of milk drinkers or investing in
human capital to ensure a new generation of dairy industry leaders, Prairie
Farms’ CEO delivers an important message: “Our opportunity is
now.” m
Prairie Farms History
Farms Dairy Inc. had its humble beginnings as a cream-buying station in
Carlinville, Ill., in the back room of the Macoupin County Farm Bureau
building. The gathered cream from that location was shipped to the Farmers
Creamery in Bloomington.
In 1937, the Bloomington Creamery helped organize a
butter plant in Carlinville. With the United States still in the throes of
the Great Depression, economic conditions were not favorable to sell
capital stock to start a creamery. Butter was selling for 10 cents a pound,
so a $25 share of stock was a real sacrifice for farmers.
But the money was raised, and the board hired F.A.
Gourley to be the manager of the new Producers Creamery of Carlinville. A
recent college graduate, Gourley went about the task of purchasing
equipment and preparing the creamery for operation.
As early as 1932, the Illinois Farm Bureau was
encouraging local creameries to organize statewide to market their products
in Illinois. Soon, Illinois Producers Creameries was formed to help co-ops
market their cream together to the large proprietary companies, and
increase farmer income. Twelve co-op creameries eventually joined the
group, including Producers Creamery of Carlinville in 1938.
The creamery changed its name to Prairie Farms
Creameries during the 1940s, and the latter part of that decade entered the
fluid milk arena by purchasing equipment to process and package milk in
disposable paper cartons.
Meanwhile, the industry was changing rapidly;
co-ops’ larger producers wanted to sell Grade A milk instead of
farm-separated cream, and the creameries could not compete against the milk
buyers. Several of the 12 allied plants were either sold or joined other
The three surviving co-ops merged in 1962 to form
Prairie Farms Dairy Inc., with Gourley as general manager.
By March 1988, the organization had become the product
of nine mergers, 38 acquisitions and four joint ventures.
Gourley retired from the top management position in
1988 and was succeeded by Leonard Southwell, his right-hand man for 25
years. The two continued to work together on new acquisitions until
Gourley’s death in 1991. Southwell served as chief executive officer
from 1988 to 2000, and was succeeded by Roger Capps. During that time,
total net sales continued to grow until they surpassed $1 billion, with net
worth topping $335 million. Joint ventures developed to include the
Roberts, Hiland, Muller-Pinehurst and Madison Farms dairy companies, plus
subsidiaries Ice Cream Specialties, East Side Jersey Dairy and Hawthorne-
Capps now serves as executive vice president and chief
executive officer.
Head of the Class
Prairie Farms test offers hope for future of
school milk marketing.
With childhood obesity on
the rise and per capita consumption of fluid milk by school-age children
declining, Prairie Farms Dairy Inc. decided it was high time to step up
efforts to promote milk as a healthy alternative to juice and carbonated
With the help of the International Dairy Foods
Association, Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP), St. Louis District
Dairy Council and its carton manufacturers, Prairie Farms launched a test
to see how improved ingredient quality, enhanced packaging and more flavor
choices would impact school sales.
The test began in January 2005 and involved 165,000
students at some 300 St. Louis-area public schools. Youngsters were offered
new flavors and improved formulations in new multi-color paperboard
packaging to determine which products were most popular. In addition, milk
was offered in alternate locations through placement of vending machines
and ice merchandisers in à la carte lines.
Participating schools were divided into three groups,
each of which received a combination of enhanced paperboard packaging with
colorful kid-friendly graphics and new flavors including chocolate,
strawberry and vanilla. One group was offered white, chocolate and
strawberry milk in enhanced packaging. Another group was offered the same
packaging with vanilla milk added to the lineup. A third group received all
flavor varieties in cartons depicting active kids. A control group of 120
schools had no changes made to milk offerings.
To raise student awareness of the program, each school
in the test received a point-of-sale kit to promote the “new
look” of school milk. Lunchroom servers wore “got milk?”
shirts and buttons, while other promotional materials further delivered the
intended message.
Final results of the St. Louis School Milk Test
exceeded expectations, generating sales increases of more that 12 percent
per school, or 11 additional units per student annually. If applied
nationally, Prairie Farms says, the results would translate into more than
600 million additional units of milk sold each year.
Armed with this success, Prairie Farms will expand the
program throughout its marketing area during the 2005-06 school year.
“We are only at the beginning of seeing the true
potential of treating schools and children as customers and
consumers,” says senior vice president Ed Mullins. “Milk
consumption habits are defined at an early age and determine a lifetime of
consumption. Prairie Farms will remain steadfast in developing products and
programs to meet the needs of young consumers.”
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