In the House

In the House
by James Dudlicek
Modesto plant improvements give Foster Farms Dairy
greater control over more of its product line.
Foster Farms Dairy has
been a full-line processor for many years, offering its own brand of ice
cream and various cultured products in addition to the fluid milk and
butter made at its plants in Modesto and Fresno, Calif.
But the last five years have brought significant
changes to the company’s Kansas Avenue plant in Modesto that allow
in-house manufacturing of practically its entire line. Fluid milk, butter,
ice cream, cottage cheese, sour cream — just about everything except
yogurt is made under Foster Farms Dairy’s own roof.
Of course, since the improvements are recent, they
include top-of-the-line equipment.
“The cottage cheese and ice cream operations use
high-tech filling machines,” explains plant operations manager Larry
Diggory. “We also went with tamper-evidence on all our packaging. We
started with CO2 to extend our shelf life for our cottage cheese. In the ice
cream department, we went with high-tech machines in pints and added a
scround machine. We’re also doing our own 3-gallon and 5-quart
containers in house; we used to do that outside. We upgraded all the
computer systems. We just got done doing the drying and butter
Computer control of the processing systems allow
recipes to be measured by product name or SKU rather than complex numeric
formulas. With a product entered, the system measures all the ingredients
needed and the blend rate.
“For ice cream, the fruit feeder and mixer are
tied in with the freezer, so if they slow down or speed up, you’re
still putting just the right amount of variegates in the product,”
Diggory says. “We also went to a spiral freezer, versus the tray
hardener. It gives us a better freeze on our product. Everything we run
goes through there; before, we only quick-froze our half
Beyond the advantage of closer control over the
processes, the plant improvements are part of Foster Farms Dairy’s
overall goal of increasing efficiency to keep costs in check.
“Everything we’ve done is to improve efficiency, quality and
cost — and flexibility,” Diggory says. “We have more
flexibility to run our own pints, quarts and scrounds.”
Pressed to pick the plant’s most significant
improvement, Diggory names the ice cream freezers and the cottage cheese
operation. “It makes a more consistent cheese,” he says of the
latter. “It’s night and day from what it was.”
That would also be an accurate description of the
changes made at the Kansas Avenue site since Foster Farms Dairy purchased
the former Knudsen facility in the early 1990s. Land was also acquired to
expand the site.
“I don’t think there’s anything
remaining from that plant,” says Dan Conrad, director of ice cream
and new business opportunities. “Everything has been replaced or
upgraded since it was acquired.”
A Plus B
Raw milk arrives at the plant’s main receiving
area around the clock, seven days a week. Some of the 60 tanker trucks
received each day originate at the company’s own farms; some 5,500
cows at six dairies provide about 10 percent of Foster Farms’ total
The company has contracts with cooperatives in the
Central Valley for the rest, with 25 shippers on call. “You talk
about quality of product — the dairies are no more than 25 minutes
from the plant, so you’re getting the freshest product possible,
instead of having to truck it two hours to the Bay,” says company
president Jeff Foster.
In fact, most drivers have only a 45-minute round trip
from farm to plant with each load of milk. All milk comes from cows
untreated with artificial growth hormones.
That steady flow is essential to maintain the
plant’s output. The drying and evaporating operation runs 24 hours a
day, seven days a week; butter runs four days, fluid 4 1/2 days, cottage
cheese five days and ice cream four days (longer in peak season).
Trucks remain until milk passes lab testing before
offloading. To ensure safety and security, drivers are not allowed inside
manufacturing areas of the plant.
The plant is divided into two parts: the “A
side,” for fluid milk and products requiring fluid raw material; and
the “B side,” for dried and powder products. The A side has
150,000 gallons of raw storage, with 500,000 gallons on the B side, plus
100,000 for condensed milk and 125,000 for cream. Each side has its own
HTST pasteurization system.
The evaporating and drying operation handles 10,000
gallons of milk per hour. Employees must ascend the spiral staircase to the
top of the 99-foot drying tower once every hour to take samples for
testing, notes Mike Zanos, drying plant manager.
Extra sanitation measures are employed on the
powder-bagging line. Bags are short-filled until they’re weighed,
then topped off at the scale and sealed. The plant produces 50- and
55-pound bags and 2,000-pound totes of nonfat, whole and buttermilk powder.
From the B side, only condensed milk and cream are
actually used on site for other products. “What’s unique about
this plant is it’s really self-contained,” Diggory says.
“Many other plants rely on outside supplies of condensed and cream.
We can control our prices that way.”
Lines Galore
All recipes start in the computerized control room.
Everything from ice cream to cottage cheese is programmed by name, not by
the tanks from which the ingredients flow. “All you’ve got to
do is call it up and go,” Diggory says.
For example, blends for flavored milk or ice cream mix
are created by combining the weighed ingredients and testing for butterfat
and solids prior to pasteurization. The pasteurizing room features three
HTST units, two for milk at 8,500 gallons each per hour, and a mix press at
5,000 gallons per hour.
While raw material is being processed for, say, fluid
milk, bottles are being manufactured in the plant’s blow-molding
operation. Located upstairs to allow gravity feed of bottles to the filling
lines, the operation makes 7,500 gallon jugs per hour, Diggory says.
The plant fills an assortment of plastic and
paperboard containers, in sizes including gallon, half gallon, quart, half
pint, 10-ounce and 12-ounce. From the fillers come, among other products,
1.5 million paperboard gable-top cartons of school milk every week, along
with 800,000 plastic milk bottles, from 8 ounces to gallon size.
In all, there are 10 filling lines for the various
retail-oriented fluid products including juice and water, plus one line for
225-gallon totes. A lab located off the fill room conducts testing on
finished products.
Meanwhile, the plant’s new pride and joy —
its cottage cheese operation — gets a workout. Four vats
(there’s room for three more as demand requires) each hold 5,000
gallons of skim milk, from which comes 10,500 pounds of cottage cheese.
After the cultures are through doing their thing, the
whey is drained off the curd, which then goes to the
“scrubbers” for cleaning and cooling, Diggory says. Then
it’s on to the dressing vats, where a milk mixture (and fruit, for
some varieties) is added to the required consistency. Samples are taken
from the vats for testing.
Diggory explains that the temperature of the cheese at
the dressing vat stage is crucial to product consistency, with 43 to 45
degrees F being optimum. A fresh container of cheese might be too soupy,
but curds will have absorbed enough dressing by the time it reaches store
shelves for the right consistency. “We have received first place for
our cheese at all the fairs,” Diggory notes.
Finished cheese is sent to four filling lines where
cups are filled in rows of four, topped with a film seal and lidded.
The plant’s butter operation produces salted and
unsalted butter in 1-pound quarters, 1-pound solids and 55-pound bulk
formats. Employees on the butter lines spend the fall and winter months in
butter production, then pinch-hit in the ice cream department during the
summer to help meet warm-weather demand for frozen treats, Diggory says.
Non-frozen finished products wind up in a warehouse
that features 900 pallet spaces on a first-in/first-out rack system, all at
a constant 35 degrees F.
Diggory says 80 percent of the orders assembled at the
plant are custom picked. “We load out 45,000 cases in 10
hours,” he says.
Keeping It All Moving
Even with high-tech equipment, producing an extensive
line of different dairy foods — of high quality and in a timely
fashion — presents a challenge.
“It’s the logistics of dealing with a
multitude of SKUs and product lines at a single location, and having the
flexibility within our system to provide a wide breadth of products and get
that out to our customers when they want it,” Foster says.
“That has certainly been one of our biggest challenges. There’s
only so many hours in the day.”
Among the solutions has been developing a cold-box
system that will tie in with load-out and production so product can get to
customers on time and in the manner they want it. “That has been one
of our biggest challenges,” Foster says, “especially as we
But complexity is just the nature of the business,
Conrad says. “When you walk through the plant, you see the raw
product coming in today, orders coming in this morning. We’re
deciding what to make,” he says. “Within 12 to 15 hours, the
product’s made, it’s on a truck — 50, 60, 70 transports
going out of the depot. It’s at the customer’s location within
24 hours. Just the complexity of managing that process is a huge task. The
more systems and more tracking, the more sophisticated that we can get in
modeling what we make, how we make it, how much we make, the better
we’ll be.”
With complexity comes a need to make sure employees
stay safe while executing their assigned tasks. “Safety has always
been a high priority for us,” Foster says. “We want to continue
to provide as safe a workplace as we possibly can. We recently hired a new
corporate safety manager. She has helped us institute several different
safety programs, including safety committees and safety slogans, to help us
increase awareness.”
In fact, ensuring safety is on a par with improving
manufacturing efficiencies, Foster says. “When any of our employees
comes to work, safety is one of the first things they think about,”
he says. “Secondary to that is improving efficiency and lowering
Employee training programs are being revamped to more
closely parallel new safety initiatives. “Ralph [Matile, director of
transportation and branch operations] has started tailgate meetings —
impromptu 10-minute meetings the morning at his depot,” Foster says.
“Before drivers go out on their routes, they have an opportunity to
talk about safety, things to watch out for as they begin their
Matile says the new safety initiatives are rooted in a
genuine concern for employee welfare felt by the family-oriented
management. “This company still has a family feel to it,” he
says. “The caring still exists that you don’t see in larger
Safety for the food products themselves is also top of
mind. “We have a HACCP program for all facilities, not only for milk
but for juice,” Diggory says, noting that outside auditors review
operations. “They do audits for HACCP and security. For food safety,
we use as much tamper-evident packaging as we can — safety seals on
the plastic bottles, a fresh cap on our paper cartons. Facility-wise, we
have 24-hour guard service, and we have put in eight cameras that focus on
eight critical areas.”
Raw ingredients and finished products undergo a
battery of tests. “We do butterfat and solids for every product. We
do a fresh coli APC; we do 18-hour stress tests, stressing the milk at room
temperature; we run a seven-day test at 45 degrees,” Diggory says.
“We do a flavor test at two days past code at 45 degrees. We also
test the product periodically for shelf life at 45 degrees. Everything is
tested from the day it runs to the day it goes out of code.”
Suppliers are scrutinized as well. “We ask our
suppliers to give us a letter of guaranty of service that they are in
compliance with sanitation procedures in the pasteurized milk
ordinance,” Diggory says. “In house, we do a GMP audit once a
month and a general audit that includes security and cleanliness, done by
various employees in every department.”
In all, Foster Farms Dairy’s Kansas Avenue plant
in Modesto has come a long way in the past five years. The company
continues to look for ways to streamline operations, electing to
concentrate most of its initiatives here versus other locations. But
efforts to improve automation will be important at any of the
company’s manufacturing sites.
“We’re trying to consolidate as much as we
can at this location,” Foster says. “At our Fresno location,
the desire is to continue to automate, so no matter where we go or where we
expand, automation is key to our success.”
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