‘Moove’ Over, Soda
Milk expands its reach.
Is milk replacing
soda in schools? Recent findings show that milk is inching out other
beverage choices in school vending machines throughout the country,
especially in America’s Dairyland — Wisconsin.
Indeed, two-thirds of Wisconsin’s high schools
have milk vending machines. And milk product selections in today’s
modern machines are extensive, ranging from chocolate and cookies n’
cream to nonalcoholic eggnog and lowfat and whole white milk.
According to Laura Wilford, director of the Wisconsin
Milk Marketing Board’s (WMMB) state Dairy Council, the state has 365
milk vending machines in high schools.
As a money-making project, says Wilford, Future
Farmers of America clubs operate about half of the vending in Wisconsin
schools while school foods services operate 40 percent.
In a state that claims milk as its state beverage and
the dairy cow its domestic animal, dairy producers quickly got behind the
effort to bring milk machines to schools. The Wisconsin Milk Marketing
Board pays $100 to schools that install milk vending machines, says
Nationwide, there are more than 7,000 machines
dispensing milk in schools — most of which have been installed over
the past three to four years in an effort to push kids toward a healthier
Source: Associated Press/AP Online.
2005 Ice Cream Technology Conference
Registration is now open for the International
Ice Cream Association’s 2005 Ice Cream Technology Conference, the
popular annual program that brings together frozen dessert professionals to
discuss the latest technological and regulatory issues facing their
industry. This year’s program will be held March 2 to 4 at the
Embassy Suites Hotel and Phoenix-Scottsdale Golf Resort in Phoenix. m
The conference is the industry’s only meeting that focuses
exclusively on frozen dessert technologies, including freezing
technologies, flavor development, homogenization pressures and product
formulation. m Conference speakers will also cover new
regulatory challenges for the ice cream industry, particularly labeling
requirements that will take effect within the next year. In fact, the
program will kick off with an in-depth presentation by current and former
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials on the agency’s new food
allergen labeling rules, which must be adopted by January 1, 2006.
Additional sessions will focus on nutrition and marketing trends, including
an update on what’s happening with no-sugar-added, low-carb and
premium products. m Register now for this limited-space
workshop. For the first time, suppliers are invited to attend all
conference sessions.
For more information, visit www.idfa.org.
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